My head drops back, and I let it all go.

I pull Ivy against me as I lay on my side. We hold onto each other as we recover. She rests her head on my shoulder and I pull back to see her. She is smiling and it makes me grin.

“I love you, Kace.”

“I fucking love you too, Ivy.”

She pulls out of my hold and reaches for her purse that is tossed on the floor. “I want to show you something.” She sits up and smiles as she hands me an ultrasound picture. “I had one before everything happened, but I lost it. I had planned to surprise you with it, but when I was at the hospital I had them print me out another one.” She smiles as she tucks her hair behind her e

ars. “That’s our baby and he or she is perfect.”

I sit up and kiss her quickly. Her eyes bounce between mine as I smile down at her. “He is fucking perfect. Just like his mom.” I reach down and grab my jeans off the floor. I pull out the ultrasound out of my back packet and hand it to her. “I’ve held this with me since I found it by your car. When I saw it my heart stopped. I was ready to die for him and I don’t even know him yet. You didn’t lose it, angel. I’ve just been protecting him.”

She wipes her tears and bites her lip as she looks from the ultrasound to me. “You make me fall more in love with you every second, big guy.”

“The feeling is mutual, angel.”

As we look at the picture of our baby, my heart starts to heal. I never thought I’d let someone in, but Ivy busted through. Together we are better than apart. This is just the beginning and I can’t wait to see where this crazy ride takes us. No matter what happens I know I’ll have this beautiful woman by my side and a baby to protect. I look up for a minute and grin. I finally have a family and it makes me fucking whole.



“Fuck!” Ivy yells.

“You’re doing great, angel,” I say.

She digs her nails into my hand and turns her head toward me. “Shut the fuck up. Get this kid out of me!”

“Okay give me a big push. The head is right here,” the doctor says.

This is it. I’m about to be a dad. I’m so fucking excited and nervous. Ivy’s water broke hours ago and we’ve been in the hospital since. She’s been amazing dealing with all the pain. It’s been hard watching her go through it. I’ve fought with a few nurses telling them to do something to help, but Ivy kept grabbing my hand and telling me she’s fine. The last few months have been the best of my life. Watching Ivy carry my baby, belly growing. She was so beautiful with her baby bump. It was sexy as hell. I’m definitely getting her knocked up again.

We had the entire house redone. Everything is new and it’s the perfect home to bring our baby to. We didn’t find out what the sex was, she wanted to be surprised. The nursery is all white and yellow. It’s perfect for a boy or girl. I know it’s a boy though. I’ve known since I saw that first ultrasound.

Things have gone back to normal for the most part at the club. Alex’s absence is felt every day, but we’ll never forget him. Brooks is healed and back to barking orders and both Souls are bringing in a shit load of money.

“Good, keep pushing. The head is almost out,” the doctor says.

I snap out of my thoughts and focus on Ivy. I kiss her head and lean closer to her. “You’ve got this. There’s no one stronger than you, Ivy.”

“Fuck,” she yells as she pushes. “I hate you and love you so hard right now!”

I laugh and she gives me a look of death. “I love you too,” I say, smiling.

“One more big push and the baby will be here.”

Holy shit. My heart is pounding in my chest as I look at the doctor and back to Ivy. “This is it, angel. Push,” I say.

She screams as she pushes and suddenly she stops and the tiny cry of a baby is heard. “Congratulations, it’s a boy,” the doctor says.

I grab Ivy and hug her as we both cry over the news. “You did so great. I love you so much,” I say, looking into her watery brown eyes.

“I love you too,” she says, smiling. “Holy shit, it’s a boy.”

I lift my eyebrows and smile. “I told you.”

The doctor places the baby on Ivy’s chest and we both cry again. She wraps her arms around him and I stare in disbelief. He’s perfect.