“I’ve gotta be up early, so you guys should probably head out,” I say, getting up to grab my boxers off the floor.

Neither of them complain or whine, they just get up and get dressed. This is the kind of fucking I need. No strings attached, no feelings, just hot fucking sex.

“I’ll call you this week,” Brittany says, kissing my chest as she walks past.

“Alright, darlin. Nice to meet you Sara,” I yell as they walk out of my room.

After they leave I lock up and climb into bed. It doesn’t take long for sleep to find me, it’s just the nightmares I know that are coming that I dread.

We’ve all been at Zane’s for a few hours now. The food is delicious, the alcohol is flowing, and the laughs are endless. When I got here I was looking around thinking of all the months I spent here and how much has changed.

“Look how cute they are,” Harper says, breaking my thoughts.

I glance over to Brooks and Maren. “She seems to fit right in,” I say, tipping back my beer.

“Yeah she does, and Brooks seems to be happy,” she says, still staring at them.

“He is happy,” Zane corrects. “Not as happy as us though,” he whispers, kissing her cheek.

I roll my eyes and look over at Riley. I’m still trying to get over that he’s with Gillian. I know it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. After I lost my parents, I shut down and built a wall around my heart. Rachel was the first and only person to get through it. I thought she would be my old lady, but when the going got tough, the bitch got going. The shit I found out later destroyed me even more. Riley being with Gillian just reminds me of all the pain and betrayal her sister caused me. I don’t miss Rachel, I hate her. I just don’t like the reminder that anything good in life will always end in a pile of ash. For me anyway.

“Kace, are you and Brittany serious?” Harper asks.

I lift my brown eyes to her bright blues and laugh. “No.”

She glances at Z and he gives her a small shake of his head with a very pissed off look on his face. “What?” I ask.

“She’s constantly with other guys. I just don’t want you to get hurt,” she whispers.

“Fucking hell, babe. I said mind your business,” Zane yells.

“It is my business. She works for me and Kace is my friend,” she shouts back.

“Fuck, relax Z. I know she’s with other guys, just like I banged her friend the other night. I told you it’s just sex. I’m not looking for anything more than that.” I turn my attention to Harper and grin. “Thanks for always looking out for me, but I promise it’s all good.”

Zane shakes his head as Harper shrugs. She’ll never stay out of my business and I love her and hate her for it.

“Hey,” Riley says, slapping my shoulder as he sits down. I tilt my beer to him and look around at everyone but him. “Harper, is Z giving you problems, cause if you were my girl I’d never give you shit like him.”

We all laugh as Zane reaches over to grab him. “Shut the fuck up, Riley.”

“Good one,” Riley says, laughing.

Zane goes to stand up, but I get up first. “Enough. Fucking hell, Z, he’s joking.”

He’s always so hot headed when it comes to Harper. I keep telling him to relax but he says it’s different now that she’s his wife. I have no idea what the hell it means, but I always agree. He just needs to know I’m on his side, which I will forever be. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had. The only one that knew my parents or knows the shit I’ve dealt with. I owe him my life.

“How’s your dad’s bike coming?” Porter asks, pushing his sunglasses to the top of his head.

“It’s a work in progress. A fucking money pit,” I say, laughing. “Speaking of money pits, Harper do you think you’d want to give me some ideas for my place? I need to fix some shit.”

She smiles and reaches out for my hand. “I’d love that, Kace. Let me know when.”

“I can give you ideas,” Riley jokes.

“Poster of naked chicks?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Fuck yeah,” he says, lighting a joint.