“What the fuck, Harper. Stop it,” he whispers in my ear, dragging me toward the door. “Get her out of here. Get everyone the fuck out of here.”

The prospects get right to work as the door slams behind us.

“Let me go, Kace,” I scream, trying to struggle out of his hold.

He continues to walk down the hall, carrying me as if I weigh nothing. “When you fucking calm down.”

I take a few deep breaths and try to relax myself. I stop fighting and shake my head. “Okay, I’m done.”

We stop in front of Zane’s door and he leans his face toward mine. “If I put you down, you better not fucking elbow me again.” He’s pissed, I get it. I just went psycho out there. My emotions got the better of me.

“I’m not gonna hit you. I’m sorry, Kace,” I whisper.

He puts me down and I dig the key out of my pocket. He follows me in the room and slams the door behind us. “You wanna explain what that shit w

as about? She’s gonna go run to Brooks with this one, Harper.”

“Good, she’s a filthy whore. She’s lucky I didn’t do worse,” I hiss at him.

I hear the breath he blows out and I turn to look at him. He’s running his hand over the light dusting of dark hair on his face. His brown eyes look troubled. “Brooks is gonna be pissed. Do you fucking understand that’s gonna make this shit harder? For you and for Z?”

I let my guard down and stare at him. It’s when I really notice the worry in his face. His eyes are pleading with me for something. To stay in line? To protect Z? To not hurt him?

Kace was always a friend to me, but he's like a brother to Zane. They’ve grown up together, went to school together, joined the club together. If there is such a thing as ride or die, it’s them. Kace loves Zane, that has always been clear. The worry I see on his face, it’s telling me that he thinks I’m going to hurt him or get him hurt. He’s fucking scared for his brother.

I step forward, rest my hand on his muscular chest. He’s a little bigger than Zane and a few inches taller. His warm brown eyes are the exact opposite of Z’s ice blue. His dark brown messy hair, few days worth of stubble on his face, and lip ring, are the perfect contrast to Zane. Where he’s over six feet tall, Zane is exactly six foot. He’s just as hot, just in a completely different way.

“I’m sorry, Kace. I let my anger get the best of me. The shit at Adalyn’s, it’s got me wound tight. I’ll talk to Brooks, I’ll tell him.”

He gives me a tight smile. “No, you won’t go near Brooks. Z and I will handle Daisy and him.” His phone alerts and he looks at it. “I need to get back. I need you to stay in this room and only open the door for Z or me. Can you do that?”

I nod my head. “Yeah, I promise you.”

He gives me a quick lift of his chin and turns around. He just gets the door open and I call his name. He turns his head to look at me and I search his eyes.

“I promise I’m not here to hurt him.”

He doesn’t say anything, but he does lift his chin slightly before closing the door. I lock it behind him and look around. I pull open the drawers until I find a shirt I can slip into after I shower. Once I get in, I let the water pound on me and I begin to think everything through. Between Kace’s worried face, Brooks glaring at me like he wants me dead, and Zane flipping his shit, I’m beginning to wonder how safe I really am. If my father was the one behind this, which I’m a hundred percent sure he was, that means he knows. He knows where I am.

Fear starts to wrap it’s way around my throat as I think of all the possible ways he could hurt this club. All the ways he could slowly torment Zane until he breaks him completely. I need to get back to my club and see what the fuck is going on. I need ears and eyes. I will not be the reason Zane is destroyed. But I also won’t allow them to be the reason I’m destroyed.

I get out of the shower and slip into Zane’s shirt. It smells like him and I wrap my arms around myself.

“Tell me what’s going on, baby,” I whisper and sit down in the chair. Exhaustion is taking over, but I refuse to sleep on that bed. I’d rather have aching muscles than chlamydia.

With my mind wandering, my eyes finally give in and close. My last thought is of Z, telling me to trust him.

Chapter 9


I’m fucking exhausted and all I want to do is sleep. After talking to Kace though, I doubt I’ll be getting any, anytime soon. I knock on the door to my room and wait for a minute before I bang on it.

“What?” Harper asks, sleep clear in her voice.

“It’s me, babe.”

She opens the door and while I’m prepared for a fight, she tosses her arms around my neck. “Thank fuck,” she breaths out.