“No real men around this table, but me,” I state.

“I’m kind of attached to him, but seriously, you guys need to find someone. Stop dipping your dicks in all the Souls girls,” she advises.

Riley flags down Finn to bring us more drinks, turning his eyes back to us. “I’m not looking to be tied down. I’m all about sharing the love.”

Harper laughs, shaking her head. “Whatever makes you happy.”

“You know what would make me happy?” Porter asks, leaning closer to her.

I push him back, causing him to fall out of the chair. We all laugh and I look down at him. “I’ll slit your throat if you try coming close to her.”

“He’s kidding, fucking relax,” Harper says, slapping my arm.

Finn drops off our drinks and we all slam back a shot. They continue to talk but I’m focusing on how Harper feels on my lap. Even when she’s not trying, she’s getting me hard. The way her body moves when she laughs. How her hair is moving all around, like a damn curtain. The way her tits are teasing me, so close to falling out, but staying put.

I lick up her neck and kiss her beneath her ear. “Come dance with me.”

She doesn’t say anything, just stands to wait for me. We move to where people are dancing by the stage. I pull her to me and our bodies begin to move. Hands are exploring, mouths are sucking and biting, and I’m losing my resolve. She turns in my arms, pressing her ass against me as she continues to move to the beat. My arm snakes around her waist, pushing under her shirt.

“Mind if I join?” My head snaps up to see Josie, the girl that was giving Harper a lapdance the other night.

Harper turns her head to look at me and I raise an eyebrow. “Up to you, babe.”

She reaches forward and pulls Josie against her. Fuck.Me.

I stay behind Harper, my hands on her hips, my dick pushing against her ass. Her hands are exploring Josie’s body, surprisingly, she has clothes on. It actually makes it more sexy. Especially when Josie begins kissing Harper’s neck. Her head falls against my chest and I watch them with heavy eyes. Josie’s hands brush against mine and my eyes snap to her. She smiles, but continues to move them up Harper’s side, brushing against her tits. I don’t know if it’s possessiveness or I’m just so fucking turned on, but I grab Harper’s tits and squeeze. Josie dips her head and runs her tongue on the exposed part of Harper’s tits. She lets out a moan, rocking her hips. Josie’s hands go to Harper’s hips and she grinds her pussy against hers. I can’t fucking look away. Not until I hear a commotion behind me.

I turn my head just in time to see Alex picking up a chair. “Fuck.” I leave the live porn in front of me and rush over. Kace grabs the chair from Alex, pushing him back. I see Riley on the floor and rush to him. “What the fuck,” I yell.

I help Riley up and he goes to throw a punch at Alex. I grab him and pull him back. “Enough, fuck. Go grab someone and fuck your aggravation out.”

He flips off Alex, grabs the hand of the nearest Souls girl and pulls her to the back. I walk over to Kace and Alex. “Wanna fucking explain?”

“I’m drunk, I let him get to me,” Alex says, running his hand through his beard.

“Go get some pussy,” I say. He nods and walks away. “What the hell,” I say, laughing with Kace.

“They were going at it, Alex took it too far. They’ll be fine tomorrow,” he assures me.

We get a drink and he follows my gaze. Josie and Harper are rubbing against each other, making my hard on return full force. I need to get her in my room, with or without Josie.

“She’s good for you, Z,” Kace says. “Seems to like pussy as much too.” He laughs and I join him.

“Yeah, apparently so.”

“Are you gonna tell her?” he asks.

I glance at him. “Tell her what?”

“Why she’s here,” he says matter-of-factly.

I close my eyes and run my hand through my hair. “I don’t know,” I whisper.

“I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but if you really wanna make a go with her, she needs to know,” he says, clasping my shoulder.

“What I feel for her is real,” I snap, the anger of the situation getting the better of me.

“I know that. We all see it. I’m just saying, maybe you need to talk with Brooks. Get out of the deal. He’d be the only one you need to convince to let her stay anyway.”