“Yeah, I don’t know the specifics, but he was shot and it was close to his heart. They didn’t think he’d make it, but he’s a fighter. His ex, not so much. She couldn’t be bothered to hang around to see him through it. His heart was already damaged, she made it worse.”

“Holy shit,” she whispers. “I had no idea.”

I lay down and look up at the ceiling. “Of course you didn’t. No one outside of the club knew, except for me. That was only because Zane left me a voicemail crying about it.”

I think back to that time and I hate that I ignored his call. He needed someone and I wasn’t there.

“This is all kinda fucked up,” she says, laying next to me.

“It’s totally fucked up.”

My eyes start getting heavy and I’m losing the battle to keep them open. I guess it’s not going as good out there as Zane had hoped or as I hoped. I thought it was an easy decision. But, then again, I only know what I know.

I open my eyes and look around. I didn’t even realize I passed out. Turning my head I see Ivy sleeping beside me. I have no idea how long it’s been or why Zane hasn’t come in here. I get up and grab my phone seeing it’s four in the morning.

The need to use the bathroom takes over and I open the door. Finn is still standing there like a statue. He doesn’t say anything as I pass him to use the bathroom. When I’m done I come back out and peek down the hallway. I don’t see or hear anything.

“Where is he?” I ask Finn.

“They had to go, but I’m here and so is Porter,” he says.

My heart starts pounding in my chest, my palms begin to sweat, and my stomach turns. “Where did they go?”

He looks at me, grinning. “You know I don’t know and even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”

It’s getting harder to breathe, it feels like something is wrapping around my throat and cutting off my airway.

“They went to find my father?”

He doesn’t confirm it or deny it. “You’re safe.”

Yes, I am safe, but Zane isn’t. I start breathing heavily and rush to the living room. “I need to go. I need to get him,” I say, pulling at my shirt this feels like it’s strangling me.

“Harper, you can’t go,” he says.

“No! I need to go now,” I scream.

The front door flies open and Porter runs in. “What the hell?”

“Porter, take me to him. Please, I need to go,” I say, tears filling my eyes. “Please, hurry.”

They look at each other and back at me. “Harper, he’ll be back soon.”

“No, stop saying that. You don’t need to come, just let me go. I’ll go, I’m going,” I ramble, looking for my keys.

He’s gonna die. My father is going to smile while he kills him. I need to get there. I need to stop it. He’s going to take away the only person who loves me. I’ll be left in the world alone. I can’t handle the thoughts. It’s too much.

“Where are my fucking keys?” I yell.

“Your car isn’t even here,” Porter says. “Come on, sit down and relax. He’s going to be fine. Nothing bad is gonna happen.”

I push his arm off of me and step back. “You don’t know that. You can’t make a promise like that. Don’t treat me like some naive girl. I know exactly what is happening and I know how it ends.” The tears start and I can’t stop them. “Please, Porter, take me to him.”

“Harper, I can’t,” he says, his voice full of pity.

Fucking pity. Just what I need right now. My world is about to fall apart and he knows it. I can see it in his eyes. He’s holding secrets, things I can’t know. He looks at Finn and they share some sort of a sad expression. I step back again and shake my head.

“Is he dead?” I sob.