
“Remi. You need to tell him.” Roxy said, pacing the floor. She was right. I knew she was. From the moment I met Roxy, she had become a second mother to me. There wasn’t anything I didn’t tell her. Even the trivial stuff that made no sense, I would seek her advice and this time was no different.

Roxy was here to help me plan the wedding that Max said I could have. The fact was, I didn’t want a big wedding. I wanted something small and intimate. But when Max hired some fancy wedding planner named Sheila Worthington and told her to give me whatever I wanted, well…it somehow had blown so far out of proportion that I wasn’t sure how to reign it in.

I needed Max’s help.

Only he could fix this.

“The wedding is in three days, baby girl. You best talk to him today if you can. If not, this wedding will be one hot mess and don’t get me started on that prissy, uptight bitch he hired. Who the fuck does she think she is? It’s not her fucking wedding.”

“I know,” I sighed. Roxy was right.

I hated that bitch from the moment I laid eyes on her. The woman wouldn’t stop drooling over Max and creamed her pants anytime he gave her any kind of attention. When I tried to tell her what I wanted, she informed me that Maxwell had told her everything and she could handle it. The bitch was itching for a beating and if I had any strength after taking care of my son, I would beat the woman’s ass and kick her to the curb.

I was joking with him about a wedding after our son’s birth. He felt so guilty and wanted to give me something nice. So, on a whim, I mentioned a big wedding, thinking he would laugh and tell me to get real.

Instead, he did the opposite.

I honestly didn’t think he would say yes. I knew he’d been trying to get me in front of the justice of the peace since we found each other again, but for some reason, I kept saying no, that the time wasn’t right. Now that the wedding was three days away, I wanted to run. My fight or flight gene was screaming at me to run and I didn’t know why.

I loved Max. I’ve loved him since I was eight years old. I used to dream of the day we could spend eternity together. Now here I was, three days away and I wanted no part of it.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I couldn’t explain it. But whatever it was, I knew deep in my gut that now was not the time to get married. I tried talking to Max about it several times, but the stubborn ass wouldn’t listen to me. He told me to talk to the wedding planner whenever I brought it up.

To make matters worse, the friction within the club was at an all-time high. Brothers were fighting daily and everyone was cranky. No one wanted to participate in a wedding. Max was off in his own little world. Ghost was running the club and Phantom refused to come out of her cave. Savage was gone and so was Player. Everything was changing so fast. I didn’t know what to expect when I walked downstairs. If I was being honest, I was afraid to because I didn’t know what I would find. For a man who was desperate to marry me, he wasn’t acting like it.

“Remi,” Roxy whispered, getting my attention. “Have you heard anything?”

Shaking my head, I sighed.

Everyone knew that something was going on.

We could all feel it. It was in the air, suffocating all of us. Brothers, the old ladies, even the cut sluts started coming to me asking questions. Like them, I was in the dark. I had no clue what was going on.

“Dinner is prepared,” Ari said, smiling as she walked into my room with Rebekah on her hip. Fucking bitch looked like a God damned runway model, not six months pregnant. I was still packing some baby weight and Ari looked like a million bucks. I was about to get married, knowing I would look like a umpha-lumpa and Ari would look like some angel sent from heaven.

“How the hell are you six months pregnant?” I grumbled. “I looked like a beached whale at six months. At least pretend to be miserable, okay.”

“Well, I am miserable, if you must know,” she winked putting Becca down on the floor. “Ghost just took off with Phantom and a few others.”

“Where?” I asked, looking up at her. The club was on lockdown. No one was allowed to leave.

“No clue.”

“Who else did he leave with?” Roxy asked.

“Massacre, Shadow, Viper, Bayou and Hammer.”

“Shit,” Roxy cursed. “That’s his personal team. He didn’t say where he was going?”

“Nope. He came into the kitchen. Told me to stay put, keep Becca close and that he would be back later.”

“Something is going on,” Roxy said, stating the obvious. “Did he tell Reaper?”

“No. Reaper got a call and has been in church ever since.”