
I pulled into the driveway of my secluded house not far from the beach to find four parked bikes. I turned off my engine just as Phantom rode up on her crotch rocket. Grinning, I shook my head and said nothing as she got off her bike.

“What?” she asked, removing her helmet.

“I don’t know how you can ride that piece of shit. It’s not a real bike.”

“The fuck you say,” she grinned, running her hand over her bike. “This is a Ducati. This baby is one of the best bikes on the road. Better than that piece of shit you ride. My bike will outrun yours any day of the week.”

“It’s still a piece of shit. No self-respecting biker would ever be caught dead on that thing. Only pussies ride them.”

Walking past me, Phantom smiled. “Then I guess it’s good that I have a pussy.”

Rolling my eyes, I followed her inside to find Massacre, Shadow, Bayou and Viper waiting. I was about to close the door when I heard another bike ride up and groaned. “Does he ever leave you alone?”

Phantom turned, seeing who was parking his bike and smiled. “Gotta love his persistence.”

“He’s annoying.”

“He’s also the best at what he does. Unless you want to put a few more holes in him.”

“Woman, you really need to let that go.”

Smiling, Gadget walked up to us and said, “Hi. What did I miss?”

Shaking my head, I stepped aside as he walked in, closing the door behind him.

“What’s up boss?” Massacre asked as Phantom, Gadget and I all sat. We all knew this day would come. Had prepared for it as best we could. Now it was time to come clean.

“Is it time?” my brother Shadow asked, getting straight to the point. Nodding, I replied. “Yeah. It’s time.”

“Thank fuck,” Viper said, standing and removing his cut. Following suit, my team all stood, removed their Golden Skulls cuts and threw them on the floor.

For any biker part of a motorcycle club, it was well known that their cuts, the very vest we wore that symbolized our allegiance to the club, were sacred. Our cuts were to be treated with care and respect. Our cuts were like our bikes, revered and cherished. To just throw them on the floor was the biggest slap in the face we could do.

Doing the same as my team, I thought I would feel something when I finally took it off, but I felt nothing. In fact, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder in some way. It was refreshing. Phantom and Gadget both looked at each other, saying nothing.

Turning to her, I said, “Lena and Jared, what neither of you know is that five years ago, we were tasked with one order when we left the club. To find the truth. Back then, the club was under attack from several sides. Not just the club war between the Skulls and the Sons of Hell, but from other factions that wanted to eviscerate every member. Pops knew something was wrong and set this club on a course of self-destruction. Our job was to find the truth. To expose the Golden Skulls and those in conjunction with the club. Our journey took us to many places. Places that I pray we never have to go to again. What we learned, I believe, will help you Phantom to solve your mystery. I think they are linked. That’s why I brought you in.”

“You’re not members of the Golden Skulls, are you?”

“No.” I stated clearly, then added, “We’re Sons of Hell.”

“What the hell is going on?” Phantom shouted, getting to her feet, reaching for her gun. Shaking my head, I raised my hand and said, “Don’t do it, Lena. It’s not what you think.”

“Then explain it to me real fast.”

“You already know that me and my team were absent from the club for five years. We left after Pops was murdered.”

“I know that part. Get to the point.”

“No one knows where we were during that time, what we learned and did.”

“Tell me.”

“Pops gave me one last standing order before he died. Find the truth. I didn’t know what he was talking about, but shortly after his death, I received a package. I found it in my room when I woke up the next day. The contents of that package contained Pop’s last wishes. He knew Reaper was going to kill him and prepared for it.”

“He couldn’t have known Reaper was going to do that. I read the report from that day. Sergio Pavlov’s men attacked you. It was a setup.”