Taking the bull by the horns, I asked. “Is Reaper working with the Division?”

“He is being blackmailed. Like James Doherty, Xavier Goldman and my grandfather, Max is trying to do the right thing, but they’ve made it impossible for him to do so. The Society has something on him. Whatever it is, they are using it to force Reaper to do their bidding. So far Max has refused. They’ve marked Remi and his child to bring him to heel.”

“Fuck,” Ghost muttered. “They kill her or his kid….”

“They will be releasing a demon unlike they’ve never seen,” St. James finished. “Look, I’m not here to place blame on Reaper. I don’t blame him for his actions. I blame the Division and the Society. They are behind all the nasty shit going on in the world. I wasn’t joking around when I insisted that the club move to my island. I still think we have time to save everyone, but I need your help convincing Reaper. If he stays, they will kill him. He knows too much. He’s been marked and with his refusal to comply, it’s only a matter of time before they come.”

“So, this isn’t just about me?” I asked.

“No. Your situation is different, but you will need the Golden Skulls and your former team to take down Ascari. He’s gone rogue. Now that he knows where you are, he is ignoring orders and doing what he wants. You know more than anyone what happens when a soldier goes rogue.”

“They become a threat.”

St. James nodded. “Exactly.”

“Who is the head of the Society?” Ghost asked.

“No clue. No one has ever laid eyes on him, but he is powerful and knows all the players. He is well funded and has connections all over the world. His reach is far from whoever is leading the Society and he has no problem eliminating people to achieve his agenda.”

Looking at my watch, I motioned to Ghost, alerting him we’d been gone for too long. We needed to get back to the clubhouse. We could always come back later to figure everything out. There were still too many unanswered questions and before I decided to make a single move, I wanted to know more. I still didn’t like the ominous message Kitty left me. Her reasoning behind it still eluded me. I knew eventually I would figure it out. I just hoped it wasn’t too late when I did.

“Look, we’re going to have to curb this conversation for a later date. We need to head back to the compound. Boys, grab your cuts and put them back on. Looks like we’re not done investigating.” Ghost ordered as a few of the men grumbled. “As for you, St. James, stay close. I may require you soon. I will talk with Reaper about the island after I find out what he is hiding and why he is being blackmailed.”

“Fair enough.”

“Phantom, a minute please,” St. James asked as my brothers grabbed their cuts and left me alone with the man. When the door closed, I asked. “What do you want?”

“I was asked to give you a message.”

“What is it?”

“Do what you were told before I show up.”

Gulping, my blood ran cold as I uttered, “Thanks.”