“Since you’re in a sharing mood,” St. James smirked at me. I didn’t like this mother fucker. He was too damn shady. I never could tell what he was thinking. He said he wanted to help, but I never quite believed him. He wasn’t forthcoming with information, only dishing it out piece by piece. “Let me ask you a question, Reaper. What does the Society have on you?”

Leaning back in my chair, I grinned. “Now we’re getting to the good stuff. I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me that question.” For a man who claimed he knew everything, I was shocked that he just didn’t come out and ask me sooner. He could have and I would have put a bullet in his head just like I did with Healer, but the man was cunning. His ability to watch and listen was a trait that served him well. He waited and gathered information, putting the pieces together before he struck. The man was a devious lying mother fucker and I wasn’t sure whose side he was on. If I was going with my gut, I would say he was out for himself. He didn’t give a fuck about me or my club. He wanted something. Something that forced him to deal and speak with me. What that was, I hadn’t figured out yet.

But I would.

I always did.

“Well?” He challenged.

Too bad I wasn’t just going to give him what he wanted. Not until I knew everything first. Looking over at my Vice President and club sister, I smirked at the shocked expressions on their face. It seemed even the spook was keeping things from them.


Shaking my head, I looked back over at the lying bastard and spoke. “You want everything out in the open, so be it. I’ll tell you when Ghost and Phantom admit the truth.”

“What?” my supposed best friend asked, looking at me. “What do you mean? What truth?”

I picked up one of my blades and ran my finger down the cold steel. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Phantom and St. James both slowly reached for their guns. Shaking my head, I sneered, “I wouldn’t do it if I was you. You may get off a shot, but rest assured, my blades will kill you both before you kill me.”

“Fuck,” Ghost groaned, hanging his head.

I was tired of all this shit. I needed to know who I could trust. I wanted the truth from them, especially if they wanted me to play along with their game. I wanted to hear the words directly from his lips as to why he’d been loyal to another club since his return.

Yeah, I knew about that shit too.

I stayed silent as Ghost stood and removed his cut, placing it on the table in front of him. Sitting back down, he added. “I was only doing what was asked of me. Pops knew something was wrong with the club. He didn’t know what, but he knew whatever it was, it was big. He sent me and my team to discover the truth.”

That was the same story he peddled since his return.

Too bad for him it wasn’t working anymore.

“And did you?”

“No. We now believe it has something to do when you were kidnapped, though.”

“I see,” I said, leaning forward, running my finger across my blade on the table. He still wasn’t going to say anything. Fucking loyal bastard to the end. Just not loyal to me. Every good memory I had from childhood had Ghost in it. We were more than club brothers. We were brothers in every essence of the word besides blood. We’d been through a lot over the years and I always could count on him to have my back. Now, I wasn’t sure anymore. “And did my Pop tell you to lay down your colors and pledge allegiance to the Sons of Hell?”

Ghost fell back into his chair and cursed. “How long have you known?”

“Since the night you showed up while I was parked at the lookout after Remi returned to me. It was dark, but I saw the patch.”

“Fuck.” Ghost muttered, mainly to himself, before adding. “I didn’t want you to find out this way Reaper. My team and I didn’t have a choice in the matter.”

Shaking my head, I replied, “We always have a choice, Ghost. It may be the wrong one, but we have a choice. And what about you, Phantom? Feel like telling me the truth yet?”

“I decoded the message a few weeks ago. You were right. The message was personal. She wants me and Gadget to leave the club. She told me not to trust you.”

I smirked at that one. “Fucking Kitty, always one step ahead of me. As for your question St. James, yes. The Society has something on me.”

“Reaper,” Ghost carefully whispered. “Let us help you. We want to help. You can’t shoulder all of this on your own. You said no more secrets. Take the lead and lay yours bare brother. Let this club, your brothers and sister help you.”

I cocked my head, narrowed my eyes at him and asked, “Are you, my brother? Or do your real loyalties fall somewhere else?”

“Max, we’ve known each other since we were kids. I’ve always considered you my brother. That won’t change. Never will.”

“And your loyalties?”

“I’m loyal to the truth. Help me to discover it Max. Help me finish what Pops started. You can’t do this by yourself anymore.”