I shook my head vigorously.

“Good.” The man grinned. “Bring in the girl.”

My head snapped to the door as one of the men walked out and returned with a girl moments later. She was naked like me and scared to death. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried unsuccessfully to cover her nakedness. And when she was thrown onto the bed with me, I didn’t stop her when she scooted closer to me.

“Is she ready?”


“Get the camera. They want a video of this.”

“Already set up.”

“Good,” the man said before turning towards the girl and me. “Now, you two will cooperate, or the punishment will be severe. Understood?”

I nodded as my body began to betray me. My body was heating up as I felt a tingling stirring in my crotch. Closing my legs and covering myself, I tried to get my dick to settle. Only I couldn’t.

“What the fuck did you do to me!”

The man smiled. “He’s ready.”

I looked at the girl next to me and noticed that she was also having difficulty breathing. She was squirming next to me as she rubbed her legs together. I saw her nipples harden as her skin flushed a pale pink.

“Now, here’s the plan, you two. The both of you are going to fuck. Understood?”

“Fuck you!”

“Please, no!” the girl cried.

“I won’t do it!” I shouted.

“Oh yes, you will,” the man laughed as he looked at one of the other men. “Because if you don’t, I will let Walter fuck you in the ass until you submit. Then he’s going to tear into that girl and make you watch.”

I don’t know when it happened, but the second I felt tears streaming down my face, I knew there would be no saving me. Even in her drugged state, the girl feared the other man as she scooted closer to me. We were both about to be forced to do something neither of us was ready for. I may be the son of a biker, but I was only fifteen. I had never even kissed a girl before. What they were asking was sickening.

It was then that I knew I was in hell.

Minutes, hours, days went by so much that every second blurred into the other. All I knew was that the horror of what I had done had ingrained itself into my soul. The man named Walter had his fun with the both of us until neither of us could stop ourselves. To end the pain, we finally did what they wanted.

Many times, until I woke up to find her gone.

The torture didn’t stop.

It never would. It would always be with me. That black stain on my soul created the monster that now lived inside me. My reminder of what I had done.

“So, there you have it. My deep dark, nasty fucking secret. I learned later that William set up my kidnapping. My own fucking father had me taken by the very men he worked for. Sick mother fucker. The reason was that he wanted to ensure my loyalty to the Society. So, while I was being raped and beaten, I was also drugged and forced to have sex with a young girl. I didn’t know who she was. I just wanted the torture to stop. I was repeatedly beaten and raped for two weeks until I achieved my objective.”

“What was the objective?” St. James carefully asked, listening intently as I bared my deepest darkest secret.

I looked at the man and said, “To get her pregnant.”

“Holy fuck,” Ghost cursed.

Phantom sat silently, tears running down her eyes, shaking her head. It was one thing to know that a fifteen-year-old boy was kidnapped, raped and beaten damn near to death. It was a whole other ballgame to find out that the same kid was forced to inflict the same atrocity on another human being.

Talk about a total mind fuck. But it was out there now.

They say the truth shall set you free and all that crap, but it didn’t.