“Someone want to tell me why I was summoned here?” St. James said, getting our attention.

For the first time since I met the fucker, he looked nervous.

The man was good at giving nothing away, yet he was squirming in his seat. Something was going on.

Something I hadn’t figured out yet.

The tension in the room was palpable. I could feel the disturbance and it was making me jumpy. I didn’t like it. Not one bit. I asked, “What’s going on, Reaper?”

Leaning back in his chair, he said, “I was in town at Patty’s diner when Patrick showed up. He told me something that, if Phantom can corroborate will change everything. Not saying I don’t believe you, Patrick, but with everything going on, I need to be sure.”

“I understand,” Patrick nodded.

The room was silent as we all waited for Phantom to do her thing. The woman was fast, like really fast and when she suddenly stiffened next to me. I knew she had found something. She didn’t bother to show Reaper what she found as her hands shook, hovering over her keys. Leaning to see what had disturbed her, I looked at her computer screen to see what had her hackles up.

Bullseye’s words came rushing forward as everything started to fall into place. Nothing ever really made sense, but now seeing what Phantom was looking at, the fog hanging over our heads began to clear. Slowly reaching for my gun, I quickly looked to Massacre, blinking twice to let him know to be prepared for anything.

However, before I could do anything, Reaper smirked, “Guess you were right, Patrick.”

Reaper looked at the dead man walking and said, “I always wondered why you’ve been so insistent on moving my club to your island. Now I know why.”

Gideon leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Wondered how long it would take for you to put it all together.”

“So, how do you want to play this?”

“It won’t stop them.”

“True.” Reaper clearly said, never taking his eyes off the dead man walking. This was going to be bad.

Like really fucking bad.

We were in an enclosed room with only one small window. There was no way to get out safely. We were going to have to fight our way out of this. Some of us were going to get hurt. I wasn’t even sure Patrick was packing, but I knew the rest of us were.

Carefully pulling my phone from my pocket, I typed out an emergency text, praying he was still close.

Fuck I hoped he was.

He was the only one who could get us all out of this situation fast.

“Is there anything you want to say before we begin?” Reaper asked, his voice void of any emotion.

I knew that tone.

Heard it many times.

The room felt chillier, as if death had finally shown himself. Neither man moved. Both stared at each other, both refusing to blink first.

“It didn’t have to be this way, you know. I really did want to help.”

“No, you wanted us quarantined on an island, so we couldn’t’ stop you.”

“You’ll never be able to stop them.”

“That may be, but I don’t mind making their life a living hell.”

“There will be nowhere you can hide.”

“Who said I was hiding?”