“I’m just as shocked as you. Though I am more curious as to what else is in my woman’s head,” Gio said, leaning back in his chair and looking at Layla suspiciously. “She hasn’t been as forthcoming as I would like, but now thatthe Society can’t hold your daughter over your head anymore, that does give us the advantage.”


Phantom walked back into church. Her arms ladened down with her computer and other shit, mainly wires and cords.

It was just a fucking phone call. We didn’t need it hooked up to the fucking space station.

Holy fuck, this woman left nothing to chance.

None of us said anything as she opened her laptop, hooking wires and crap to it. Placing the burner phone in the middle of the table, I watched as she attached a cable to it, then to her computer. The big screen on the wall turned on, only showing a green screen at first, then instantly split into four sections. One box was solid green, one black with lines of code that looked foreign to me and two other boxes with familiar faces staring back at me. “Okay, everything’s ready. I’ve patched in Sypher and Matrix. They will help me triangulate the call when it comes in.”

“Hi Mr. Reaper!” Sypher smiled, waving. Rolling my eyes, I ignored the kid as my eyes turned to Matrix. That mother fucker and I were going to have a long conversation when I got my hands on him, right after I beat his ass. I was still fucking pissed that the bastard was still keeping secrets from me. From his son to being on that fucking island. But his biggest crime was keeping that lying, murdering rapist alive, knowing how I felt. That was something I could never forgive.

I also heard what that bastard called Dylan.

I was the mother fucking boss until I laid six feet under.

I wasn’t dead yet, far from it.

Growling, I asked. “Is that mother fucker secured?”

Matrix rolled his eyes and spoke. “Yes, and Dylan, the money is transferred. We’re good to go.”

“Where’s Player and Axel?”

“Axel’s watching Colin and my son Samuel. Cat isn’t feeling too well.”

“What’s wrong with Catarina?” Massacre and Giovanni asked simultaneously, both men sitting up in their chairs, worried.

Matrix grinned. “Just a bit of morning sickness.”

Massacre shouted. “Hot damn!”

Gio smirked adding. “Give them my best wishes and congratulations. My family is growing.”

Massacre sobered quickly and growled. “My family, asshole. That kid is a Buchannon.”

“With Valentinetti blood,” Gio smirked, egging him on.

“Whatever asshole.”

“Are you both linked up?” Phantom asked, cutting in before the two of them got started. I didn’t know what Massacre’s real beef with Gio was, but it was getting old. I would have thought all his animosity ended when the truth about Player came out.

Guess old habits die hard.

“All set here,” Sypher smiled.

“Ready to go,” Matrix added.

Leaning back in my chair, I waited for the call that Layla said would come. I wanted to pick that woman’s brain apart. She definitely knew more than she was letting on as she stared at Dylan. I had a feeling he did too. Fucker knew my biological bastard of a fucking father was breathing and never uttered a fucking word.

The more I thought about it, the siblings were a lot alike. I wouldn’t be surprised if Layla knew long before we rescued her. Which begged the question, did Kitty? With all the secrets between the three of them, I wouldn’t be shocked if they all knew.

Not a single fucking one of them gave anything away. Reading them was like reading a lost dialect, written in the mud with nothing but squiggly lines.


Waiting for them to tell me what I needed to know was pissing me off.