He didn’t have to say anything.

He was staying.

“I’m sorry, Baltazar. I can’t leave. Reaper’s gonna need my help.”

“It’s okay. I understand.”

“We’ve lost too much already. Just do me a favor.”


“Keep an eye on our sisters. They may not want anything to do with us, but they are our only family left.”

That was Zeke. Always the caring one. The one who refused to forget about those the club failed to protect. Half-sisters from our father, they lived in Arizona. Far away from the club and the horrors they endured. Zeke was right. I never really gave them a second thought, but they were family and deserved my protection too. Hell, maybe Ari would like Arizona and Becca could finally meet her aunts.

As Shadow, Bayou and Viper left, I looked at Massacre and said, “You okay?”

“No, but I will be.” He said, taking off his Golden Skulls cut as he smirked. “God, Gio is going to be a pain in my ass. Fucker’s gonna make me shave every fucking day.”

“If that’s all you have to worry about, I think you're golden.”

“I can handle a clean face, man. It’s the fucking suits. Those things are not comfortable. Gonna miss my jeans and t-shirts.”

“Maybe he won’t make you wear them.”

Massacre looked me dead in the eye and sighed, “You don’t know, Gio.”

An hour later, I found my beautiful wife in our room, sitting on the bed, reading to Becca. My adorable daughter was sleeping as Ari continued reading to her. From the moment I met Ari, she was a sponge. Learning everything she could. She didn’t have the traditional education the rest of us had and was making up for it with every book she picked up. My woman read everything from children’s books to textbooks. Absorbing everything she could. She told me once that she was determined to help Becca when it came time for her schooling. I had offered to hire a tutor for her, but she refused.

Closing the door behind me, I sat next to her as she continued to read.

“Ari. We need to talk.”

“Let me finish this chapter.”

“Later, Angel,” I said, gently taking the book out of her hands, placing it on the nightstand next to us. “This is important.”

She looked up at me, worried. “Is everything okay?”

“It will be.”

“Balthazar, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”

“We’re leaving. Tonight. I need you to pack only what you and Becca need. We won’t be coming back.”

“But Remi’s wedding is tomorrow. I’m supposed to help her get ready. We can’t leave tonight.”

“I know, baby, but we are leaving.”

“What about Momma? Is she coming too?”

Shit. I forgot about Roxy.

From the second Roxy claimed Ari as her own flesh and blood, my wife stuck to the woman like glue. Learning everything she could. Seeking her out for advice. I understood because Ari’s own biological mother died when she was young. The void she felt was vast and when Roxy filled that space, my woman did nothing without her mother’s approval. As much as I encouraged Ari’s relationship with Roxy, this was one time I needed my wife to defer to me. I was her husband. She needed to follow my lead.

“I will speak to Roxy, but I need you to start packing immediately. I want to leave before sundown. Can you do that for me?”

My wife slowly nodded.