
Smiling to myself, I walked away from the church door as I heard Layla gasp loudly. Fucking Italian prick was defiling my church. If he knew what was good for him, he better clean up after he was done.

Walking into the kitchen, I found Dylan sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. “Did you find him?”

Nodding, I poured myself a cup of the hot brew and added. “Yep. He’s going to need a few more minutes.”

“You sure about this meeting? Could bite you in the ass.”

He was right.

He always was.

I just didn’t see any other way. I couldn’t ask these men, my brothers, to stay and fight unless they knew every possibility. Not every one of them would survive. They needed to know the score. The choice had to be theirs. I wasn’t going to force any of them to fight for something they didn’t believe in.

Any other situation and would be a no-brainer. But this wasn’t normal. The Society was coming and their fucking leader wasn’t going to take prisoners. Fucking Goldman wanted me dead and anyone associated with me. Every brother had a target on their back. If they wanted to leave, I wasn’t going to stop them. This was my fight. Many brothers had already died because of my decisions.

No more.


This decision wasn’t mine.

It was theirs.

“I will lay it all bare for them. Let them decide. This is one decision I can’t make. I won’t.”

“What about Remi and the baby?”

“Remi won’t leave. I know her. She will stay. Even if I forced her to leave, she wouldn’t. As for my son, I can’t have him in the system if something happens to Remi or me.”

“You both die and that’s exactly where he will land.”

“No, he won’t.”

“I still think you need to send Remi and the baby away. Make her leave.”

I smirked, shaking my head. “Could you make Kitty leave?”

“We’re not talking about her,” he growled, staring me down. If looks could kill, I would be a dead man. Dylan may be many things, but forgiving wasn’t one of them. The man still blamed me for his wife’s death and rightly so. Her death was on me. That was something I couldn’t change, but what happened next, I could. I knew that when all this mess was over, he would come for me. He would kill me.

Taking a drink of my coffee, silence descended for a few minutes before he asked, “Have you decided what’s going to happen if you die?”

Lowering my cup, I schooled my face and sighed. “No.”

“Don’t lie to me, you son-of-a-bitch. I know you and you are not stupid. I know you thought of everything.”

“I have.”

“Then what are you doing with the club?”

“I’m still working that out,” I stated, lying my ass off. Dylan was right, the moody bastard. I wasn’t going to tell him shit until I was damn good and ready. I knew exactly what would happen with the club if I died. I had a plan for everything. It was all taken care of, right down to the last detail. He didn’t need to know that just yet. That was my secret. Only if something happened to me would he find out. ‘Til then, no one needed to know.

Massacre walked in. “Everyone’s gathered. Gio too.”

Nodding, I looked at Dylan, who stood, saying nothing more.

It was time.