Getting to my feet, I walked over to him.

Extending my hand, he took it. “I’m going to miss you, brother.”

Ghost said nothing as he yanked me into a hug.

Hugging him, I tried hard to hold back the tears that wanted to break free. We’d been through so much, traversed problem after problem. It felt wrong for it to end like this between us. He was my best friend. Had been since childhood. We joined this club together. Fought side by side for years. He always had my back. Even when he thought I was wrong.

“You stay safe, brother,” he whispered, his arms tightening around me. Clapping his back a few more times, I released him and turned to Ari. “You make sure he lives a happy life, Arianna. I won’t be there to protect him anymore.”

His beautiful wife smiled. “I can do that.”

My own woman came running down the stairs, rushing to Ari, hugging her tight, tears in her eyes. “I’m going to miss you.”

Ari sniffed. “Be happy Remi. I’ll pray for you.”

“You keep reading and learning. The next time we’re together, you will tell me everything you’ve learned. Promise?”

“I promise.”

“Where’s Shadow?” I asked, looking back at Ghost.

“We already said our goodbyes.”

Nodding, there wasn’t anything else to say. I absolutely refused to change his mind. He had a family. He needed to protect them. He was doing the right thing. No matter what, he would survive and I was good with that.

“Uncle Reaper,” Becca softly said, pulling on my jeans.

Reaching for the little girl, I picked her up and hugged her. “Yeah sweetheart?”

“Are you coming too?”

“No, baby girl. I can’t.”

“I’m gonna miss you.” She said, hugging my neck hard.

Rubbing her back, I held her, breathed her in. She was the only vestige of my sister Mia I had left. She was her mother’s spitting image, right down to her jet-black hair. The only semblance of Ghost was her green eyes. Another stain on my soul I was going to have to pay for.

Putting her back on her feet, I kneeled down and wiped her tears. “You look so much like your momma Becca. She loved you so much. Always remember that. Now, I need you to do me a favor. Can you look after your dad and Ari for me? Can you do that?”

“I can,” she nodded, her little face smiling at her father.

“Good girl,” I said, kissing her cheek.

Standing, I held onto Remi as Ari took Becca’s hand and walked out of the clubhouse forever.

Ghost followed with Roxy right behind him.

Remi sniffed, burying her head in my chest. Holding her, I tried not to let my emotions get the best of me. Not letting her go, I walked with her back upstairs, stopping in our son's room to find him sleeping. His car seat, a diaper bag and a small suitcase were packed and ready to go.

“Are you sure about this baby?” I asked, as I lightly placed my hand on his small chest. He was so tiny. So small. His whole life would change tomorrow and he didn’t even know it.

“I’m not leaving you,” Remi firmly said, holding me tighter as she looked down at our sleeping son. “He will live. That’s all that matters. If you die, I die. I won’t live in this world without you.”

“Our son will need you.”

“No. He won’t. I can’t go back to that life, Max. You know that’s exactly what will happen if you die and they get me. I refuse to let that happen. I am staying and fighting beside you. I’m fighting for what we believe in. For a life, we’ve both been denied. Our son will live. He will have a happy life, full of laughter and love. I don’t want him tainted by any of this. We are doing the right thing.”

What could I say to that?