How I wanted to end it.

Rounding the clubhouse, I spotted Hangman sitting on the front steps, smoking a cigarette. I walked over to him and sat down as he handed me a cigarette. Taking it, I lit it and inhaled the rich smoke, letting it fill my lungs.

“You look pissed,” he said, blowing white smoke into the darkness.

“Because I am.”

“Layla busting your balls again?”

I nodded, taking another drag.

“Gadget checked in. He said the packages arrived safely. We’re good to go.”


“Patty left me. Took the boys and left the second I told her I was staying to help you.”

“Shit Patrick. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I knew it was over before I left for my last deployment. She never wanted this life. Hated the club. Hated the Marine Corps more.”

“What are you gonna do now?”

“Help you finish what we started a long time ago. When that’s done, I don’t know. May just get on my bike and ride for a while.”

“You know you don’t have to do this. I can handle it.”

“The fuck you can. It’s going to take all of us to bring that fucker down. We finish what we started and take that fucker out. Only then can we all rest.”

“Reaper is going ahead with the wedding.”

“I heard. Smoke told me. Helped him carry in crates of dynamite. That fucker is using everything in his arsenal. This clubhouse will shatter into toothpicks by the time he’s done with it. Nothing will be left.”

“That’s Reaper’s plan.”

“It won’t work.”

“I know that. I think on some level, he does too. But he wants to draw out Goldman. He believes if he can kill him first, all of his problems will disappear.”

“Cut off the head of the snake and another will take its place.”

“Do you have any intel on who’s in line to take his place?”

“Just chatter. Won’t know until it’s done and then this mess will start all over again. We need to take them all out.”

“One problem at a time, Patrick.”