My decision was made.

I knew what I had to do.

I think, in some way, I always knew.

It was inevitable.

I’d seen and done too much in my past to have any other outcome.

Death avoided me, taking everyone else around me, even from a young age.

I was cultivated and prepared for this exact thing and now that the head of the society had played his trump card, all bets were off.

There was no way I would meet up with the others at the rendezvous point.

They would only get in my way.

I had a score to settle. To write a wrong I made several years ago. I needed to kill the next on my list to stop this war. The one I was eager to rid the world of.

There was no kind of justice for a man like him.

There never would be. He deserved everything that was coming his way. They all did.

The only way to finish this was to let me do what I did best.

It was time to go hunting.

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