“Babe.”I’m in between that dream-like feeling yet knowing it’s time for me to wake up because of the stupid alarm blaring. It’s been a few days since the guys went on their secret mission. I didn’t ask, and Paxton didn’t tell. I reaped the rewards when he came home. It was a marathon night of breathless moans, so many orgasms that I’ve lost count, and feeling the way his body cocooned me as he collapsed, wringing the last bit of pleasure we both had, it was everything.

“Go away, Pax. I’ve got seven more minutes.” I pat his hand away and hit the snooze button. I know exactly how long I have until it goes off again and how many times I can hit that on the older-style alarm clock.

“Fuck, you’re a pain to wake up when I’m not usin’ my mouth or cock on you.” My eyes pop open, ready to verbally assault him because of the comment he just made.

“That’s not the truth. You woke me up in the middle of the night. So, me sleeping in is entirely your fault.” Thankfully, we’re not at the clubhouse; instead, we’ve been at his place, thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet as much as possible, as well as real food that isn’t full of carbs and high-fat ingredients. I love my family, but they cook to feed the masses, and it usually consists of things like pasta, fried pork chops, and more potatoes than I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Are you complainin’, Collins?” He pulls the sheet away, leaving my bare legs open to the breeze, causing me to shiver. I don’t respond at first, too busy with feeling Paxton’s hands spreading open my legs, leaving my center bare to him. The shirt of his I swiped in the middle of the night after cleaning up gives him all the access in the world he needs.

“Oh,” I whimper when his fingers sweep across my wetness.

“On your knees,” Pax demands of me. My body is his to do with as he pleases. He knows it, and so do I. The same goes if it were me asking him to do something if it meant bringing him pleasure. I grip the bottom of the headboard, pulling my knees underneath me while jutting my ass out on display for him, “Look at you. Not awake, yet your body knows what it wants with just my hands on it.” The tip of his finger slides from my clit towards my entrance, teasing me relentlessly no matter that I push my body back, begging for more.

“Paxton, please.” Of course, the man won’t give me what I’m asking for, instead adding another finger, lightly pushing inside but not going deep enough to get me off.

“You going to get up and get ready for work, eat breakfast with me, say goodbye to your man before he has to leave?” My head turns, and I look over my shoulder, eyes locked on his, silently pleading.

“Yes, but if you leave me hanging, I’ll take care of myself once you leave instead.” That’s when Pax gives me what I need, thrusting two fingers inside me, pressing his thumb against my ass as he does, not sliding in but pressing. The sensation when he does that only makes my body burn hotter.

“Ride my fingers, Collins.” I feel him inside, so deep, tapping at the spot that I could never do on my own, fingers rubbing back and forth, causing a vibrating sensation that only makes my hips work harder, faster, until I’m shaking, legs about to give out from holding myself up. And when Paxton’s lips touch the underside of my ass cheek, nipping at the skin before sucking it into his mouth, I know he’ll be leaving a mark on me, somewhere no one but him will see it. My eyes squeeze shut, mouth opening on a long purr as I see the stars shooting behind my closed lids when my orgasm hits me fast and hard.

“Fuck yeah, babe.” His fingers leave me. He’s fanning his breath against my wetness, and swear to God, I clench, hating the emptiness I’m left with.

“If I had time, I’d be returning the favor,” I tell him just as the stupid alarm goes off again.

“Next time. Get dressed. Breakfast is about done.” I roll over. Seeing what getting me off does to him as he stands, I’m greeted with a heavy bulge behind his jeans. My mouth waters at the thought of popping the button loose and returning the favor. “Collins, as much as I want that, you have work, unless you’ve taken what I’ve said into consideration.” I’d roll my eyes, but even I’m not that cruel.

“Not happening. I’m already living with you. It’s just a formality until someone can take over my lease agreement, and as much as I want to say, ‘Yes! I’ll move in and let you take care of me, feed me, clothe me, and all that good stuff,’ there’s an independent woman inside me who is not going to allow that.” I use my arms in a way that shows my muscles. Okay, fine, there isn’t much, but still, he gets the point.

“I hear you, tits shakin’ and all, babe.” The slight laugh he gives me, the smile that comes along with, all that is Paxton. It’s enough to make my knees weak and has me question why I’m the woman I just told him I was when really, calling out of work sick and spending all day in bed with him seems like a much better idea.