“No. I’m fine. You have work to do.”

“Go take a nap. We’ll talk later.”

“Okay.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.

Like every other time, Drake immediately took over and deepened the kiss. She put all her love into it. The air was see-sawing in and out of her lungs when he raised his head.

She pulled out of his arms, turned, and walked away.

Aisha sat on the side of the bed. She did want to lie down and sleep, and hope to forget about her life for a little bit, but there was so much to do.

If she could, she needed to go, and the sooner, the better. She had thought about staying one more night to love him, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to get through it without weeping.

Eventually, she’d feel blessed with the time they had together, and if she didn’t think it was nearly enough, she had to remind herself that life wasn’t always fair, and she knew that firsthand.


Drake watched her walk away from him and felt like he was losing her somehow. He hated that she was struggling so much and decided he needed to take more time for her. Maybe they could find a house in the country where she could have a garden and maybe a dog, and she wouldn’t have to deal with the city’s rat race.

He’d make sure to talk to Devon and get his help to find a place as quickly as possible. The only thing he wanted was to make her happy. She was part of his soul, and when he’d thought she’d died, his soul had died with her. It had taken every bit of strength he had not to take his own life.

Fortunately, he hadn’t given in to those times of weakness, and she was back in his life, making it whole again.