Chapter Twenty-One

He’d never been so angry or scared at the same time. Didn’t she realize if she had made it to the embassy, all she had to do was ask for asylum, and there was very little he could do to get her back?

When Ryker had called him, he hadn’t believed him at first. Why in the hell would she want to leave him? They had just found each other again.

Ryker showed up in his office, telling him Aisha just walked out the front door with a bag and was headed to the embassy, and he’d panicked. He hadn’t waited for the elevator but raced down the stairs and out the front door. He looked right and left and tried to remember which way the embassy was.

Drake headed one direction and hoped she’d gone this way.

He breathed a small sigh of relief when he caught a glimpse of her dark hair when the crowd parted for a brief moment. He called her name and then cursed when she started walking faster the other way.

Only when he finally caught up with her and had a hand on her was he able to take a breath.

He wanted to get her home and behind closed doors before he whaled on her ass. He almost snorted. Like he’d ever hurt a hair on her head, but the thought of spanking her ass until it glowed made him feel better.

Ryker was waiting for them with his arms crossed at the entrance of the building. Drake could tell he was upset by what she almost did, too, and determined he had a right to be a part of her punishment.

“Come with us, Ryker.”

The man nodded and followed them into the elevator.

The three were quiet on the short trip up to the condo. Drake pulled her through and into the bedroom, waited for Ryker, then shut and locked the door.


She took a few steps away from him and turned. “W … what?”

“I said strip.”

He watched her nervously glance at Ryker and then back at him.


“Precious, you scared the hell out of not only me but Ryker too, so I think it only fair he gets to punish you, too.”

“But I was doing it for you.”

His eyebrows rose. “How is that?”

“There’s so much that points to that assumption.”

“Like…?” Drake asked.

She swallowed. “I’ve been here close to the ninety days, and nothing has been said about staying. You’ve also been pulling away from me the last few weeks, and when I ask, you don’t talk to me about it and just tell me not to worry. And then I heard you on the phone today.”

He thought back to what she could have heard. “When?”

“You were on the phone, and it was right before lunch.”

“Ah, that’s why you were acting differently.”

She nodded.

“What did you hear?”