Chapter Twenty-Three

Aisha was laughing with a few of her friends when she heard the elevator door slide open. She turned to look and couldn’t believe her eyes as her cousin and aunt walked in.

She cried out and raced to them. The three stood embracing and sobbing together until Drake put his arm around her.

“Baby, they’re both really tired and hungry. Can we get them fed? And if they have enough energy, you can ask them the questions I know you have.”

“Oh, yes, of course. We have some things to make sandwiches. I’ll show you.”

They served them some food and sat them on the sofa, where she introduced them to her friends.

Aisha sat on her knees in from of her aunt. “I am so glad you’re both here. I worried about you so much.”

Her aunt patted her hand. “We worried about you, too, my child. We were shocked and relieved when we got word that you were safe and that your man planned to bring us here.”

“It was supposed to be a surprise.”

“We heard. But you got too impatient, cousin?” Larmina asked and grinned.

“Hey, you’re the same way,” Aisha said.

“If not a bit worse,” her aunt said.

For the next hour, they talked and answered the other women’s questions.

“All right, we need to get the girls settled before they fall over,” Drake said, making everyone laugh.

The men started to leave with their littles, leaving Aisha, her aunt, cousin, Drake, and Ryker.

“Let’s show you to your room.”

“Hey, I’ve got to go, man. I’ll check in later,” Ryker said.

“Wait.” Aisha ran to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thank you so much. I’ll be in your debt forever.”

He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “No, honey. I’m just glad it all worked out, and you’re all here safe.”

She walked back to her aunt and took her hand. “I’ll show them, Drake.”


“Okay, I’ll be right there.”

After the girls disappeared, he turned back to Ryker, wrapped his arms around him, and pounded on his back.

“Thank you. I owe you big time.”

“We’re good.”

“I saw the way you were looking at Larmina. What’s going on?”

“I fell for her when I went to get Aisha, but I doubt anything can come of it. Did you know she’s the one who got word to us that Aisha was alive? If it hadn’t been for her, Aisha wouldn’t be here. Larmina’s one of the bravest people I’ve ever met.”

Now, he just had to convince Marek to help him.

He chuckled. At the moment, he had enough on his plate. He’d take care of the women in his condo and call Marek soon.

When his sister was with them, his world would be complete, and he’d truly be settled. He couldn’t ask for more than that.

The End

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