Page 35 of Lorenzo

When I arrived at the party, I wasn’t surprised that I had no problems getting on board the yacht. It was too damn easy. In fact, it looked as if they were just letting anyone on. I kind of felt a little bad for what I did to Lorenzo. Just a twinge of guilt but I did warn him.

I never was one to sit on the sidelines and do nothing. I meant it when I told him that it was my family and I deserved to know what was going on. That’s why I was here. To gather as much information as I could. Too bad the man of the hour was nowhere to be found. In fact, the boat was filled to the max with women.

Didn’t he have any male friends?

Making my way through the crowd, I tried to ignore the laughter and voices of women who only came to this party to get one night with Luca Costa. God, they were all acting as if that man was a sex God and their world would end if they didn’t get a taste of him.

Now I wasn’t one to deny any female a chance at some fun but to lay their hopes on one man was a bit ridiculous in my book. No man was that good.

Not that I would know.

I tended to avoid them.

Nope, I had better things to concern myself with. My studies came first, then it was working on my research project. I never followed the typical path most girls did where they went on the hunt for a husband after high school. Not that I thought that was bad but I was only twelve when I graduated and that was just gross. Besides, I was too damn young to get married. I had things I needed to finish first and a husband would get in the way of that. As for kids, I wouldn’t even know what to do with one.

I wanted a life. My life. A life that I could be proud of. Maybe that’s why I never had a boyfriend. I just didn’t have time for one.

Yet, that’s all the women around me could talk about.

God, maybe if they paid more attention in school, they’d realize their lives were capable of more than finding a sugar daddy.

Moving around the boat, I didn’t know how long I had been here when I saw him.

Oh shit. He looked pissed and when he was standing before me, I did the only thing I could think of. I played coy.

Too bad it didn’t work.

I was about to deploy another tactic when the man of the hour appeared. Of course. I should have known. Men like them always stuck together.

I had been standing next to Lorenzo for what felt like eons as Luca droned on and on about something that didn’t interest me. He was really full of himself as he talked about his money, cars, places he visited. I was starting to think he actually believed all the bullshit he was dishing. What made matters worse, were the women around him who hung onto every word he uttered.

Even Lorenzo didn’t seem to be impressed and that was saying something, because I thought the two of them would at least compare notes. Nope. Instead of comparing dicks, Lorenzo stood stock still, his arms still wrapped tightly around me, saying nothing. Almost as if he was zoning out.

I would have too but Luca seemed intent on trying to keep me engaged with whatever he was talking about.

The man was a tool.

Plain and simple.

That’s when mother nature came to my rescue.

Of course, getting away from the brooding hulk wasn’t going to be easy. He was pissed at me and rightly so. I assumed it wasn’t every day that a female literally handed him his balls. Still, I had to go. So, when Luca asked another female to go with me, I ran with it. Literally, because by the time I made it to the restroom, I felt as if my bladder was going to explode.

After doing my business, I walked over to the sink and swayed.

“Whoa,” I muttered grabbing the counter.

Something was wrong.

I felt funny.

My equilibrium was off.

I couldn’t focus. I felt a bit nauseous and all I wanted to do was sleep. Disoriented, I tried to make my way towards the door.

I needed to find Lorenzo.

“Well, that took long enough,” a familiar voice sneered behind me. Turning slowly, I saw Luca leaning against the wall. The evil grin on his face sent chills down my spine as he winked, saluting me with a glass of champagne. I knew I didn’t like him from the moment I met him. Plus, I had this distant memory of meeting him somewhere but nothing came to mind. The whole night I could feel him watching me, dissecting me. I felt like I was under some microscope. He gave me the creeps. I didn’t like him. Not one bit.