Archer won’t look me in the eyes. He crosses his ankles and hangs his head in shame. As he should.

“You truly expect me to do this?”

“It’s not just about me. He says he has information…evidence against Mona in the disappearance of her ol’ man.”

“And if I sleep with him, he’s going to forget your debt and leave the Harlots alone?” He can’t be for real. Carlos Sanchez is a man who doesn’t make deals, nor does he make idle threats. He loves his guns and his drugs. He loves his vices a little too much. A little too hard. What he loves most though is money and power. I know better than to make a move against the man. I value my life and know he could make me disappear without a trace if he wanted. Guns and drugs aren’t the only black-market items he deals in. Carlos has his hands in the skin trade. I don’t want to wake up in a foreign country on a table somewhere having my organs harvested or being pimped out.

He’s got his hooks into the Royal Harlots, the all-female motorcycle club I’m a member of. Our club President, Mona, got into debt with Carlos Sanchez’s father years ago. A piece of vital information I wasn’t privy to when I became a prospect. It wasn’t until I earned my patch that I learned we launder money through our bar, Buzz’s for him and on occasion we also hold his product for him. We don’t however get involved with his skin trade that I’m aware of.

When I got with Archer, I had no fucking idea he was in deep with this shit too. He fucking deals for Sanchez and has somehow managed to get himself into debt to the tune of twenty-five grand.

“It’s one night then things can go back to how they’ve always been.”

That’s the problem though. I don’t know if I want things to return to normal. I’ve not been happy for some time. Things between us are strained, but I also don’t wish him dead.

“One night?”

His head lifts and his eyes lighten at my question. He leaves his stool, coming to me where I stand in his kitchen leaning against the counter by the fridge. Looking at Archer no one would ever think he’d be the type of man I’d go for, but he won me over with his jokes and teddy bear hugs. I love a man with a good sense of humor. He’s on the chubby side and has what some might refer to as a dad bod. I met him at Buzz’s when I started prospecting to join Harlots and he was the weekend bouncer. I’d worn off men, but he wore me down. Now here we are.

“So, you’ll do it?”

“Sounds like I don’t have much of a choice.” Chill bumps fan over my arms as the weight of what I’m about to do settles in the depths of my gut. I’m going to spend one night with a fucking drug lord to save Archer’s hairy ass. I’ve lost my mind. “One night and your debt to him is wiped clean?”

“Fuck, Karma. I’m sorry. I have no place asking you to do this.”

“Yeah, well you didn’t fuck him over on purpose right?”

“I swear to you I had no idea that Kip was gonna pull that shit.”

“And no one knows where Kip is?”

Archer scratches the back of his neck and stares at his feet again before pulling a photo out of his back pocket and handing it to me. It’s a polaroid from an older instant camera. I stare at the photo. It’s a picture of Kip laying lifeless in a shallow grave with a hole between his eyes. Maggots are crawling out of his open mouth. His bloated tongue hanging out. Bile rises from my gut to the back of my throat. I put a palm to my mouth and drop the photograph.

“Was laying in the driver’s side seat of my truck this morning after my meeting with the boss and he told me his terms.”

“You could leave town. I’ve got a little money.”

He shakes his head. “I’m under watch. Think a man like him doesn’t have eyes and ears all around? This is personal to him, Karma.”


“He’s sending a car for you. It’ll be here within the next hour.”

“Let me make sure I’ve got this straight. You delegated to Kip, and he took the supply and or the money? Sanchez says if I spend one night with him, you’re free to go but if I refuse, he’ll kill you. Do I have this right?”

“I know it’s a big ask.”

“A big ask.” I scoff. “You do realize I’ll more than likely have to fuck him, right?”

His cheeks redden. “He went into great detail. Wants me to think about how he’s had you when I look at you. Wants me to know he’s had his dick down your throat.”

“And I’m expected to just go along with this? You’re going to be okay with it?”

“You can say no.”

I know what will happen. Either way I’m going to lose him but at least one choice leaves him breathing.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I can do this. One night for Archer’s life.

Archer moves in, his thick arms moving around me, dropping his forehead to mine. “We’ll get through this. I swear it. I’ll never fuck up again. I know what I have with you. I don’t want to lose you.”

All I can do is nod because if I open my mouth, I don’t know what will come out, but I’m sure it will be a string of expletives.

I swallow down the hateful words I want to hurl at him. I bite back my disgust at the situation. “I need a shot.”

“I gotta joint. Wanna smoke?”

I lick my lips and nod. I could go for something stronger. Beggars can’t be choosers so I’ll take what I can get.