“Fucking hell.” I walk in at Pam and Link’s to pick up Karma. She’s been helping Pam get ready for tonight. Link and his Ol’ Lady are dressed up like dolls wearing red yarn wigs. Motherfucker has on overalls. Bastard is gonna give me nightmares with that white face paint and shit he’s sporting.

“And where is your costume?” Pam eyes me from head to toe.

“I’m a fucking outlaw.” I pull a red bandanna from my pocket and tie it over my mouth. “My hat is in the car.”

“I’ll go see if Karma is ready.” Pam waddles down the hallway toward her bedroom leaving me on my own with Link. Shit.

“Want a beer? Who knows how long them women are gonna be.”

I follow him out back to the patio and light up a cigarette hoping that things with Zoe aren’t going to make our relationship tense and awkward. Not all the brothers get along and shit isn’t always sunshine and roses, but I’m not a fan of complicated. I lead a simple life. I like shit how I like it. I’ve gotten comfortable. Hell, maybe even complacent because when Karma showed up last night something inside me shifted. Ignited.

Waking up to her in my house was a damn good start to my day. Damn good.

“Zoe know you’ve moved on?” he gets right to the point, but I get it. That’s his sister and he’s looking out for her.

“She ended things with me before Karma came to town.”

“Hmm,” he grunts. “She’s good then?”

“I’m only answering because I respect that Zoe is your sister. I thought maybe something could develop between us, but she’s not in a place in her life that she wants or needs a man. Karma and I have a past. I don’t know how long she’s in town, but if I get my way, I’d like to see her stick around permanently. She’s a biker bitch who doesn’t need trained to fit into my life. No disrespect to Zoe.”

“You move fast, brotha’.”

“Got to with a woman like Karma. I made the mistake of taking shit slow last time and with your sister. Not making that mistake a third time. I know what I want in life, and I’m not gonna wait around for it to happen.”

“Shit. Karma isn’t a woman who can be claimed and tamed so easily. Viking is gonna beat your ass.”

“I’m up to the challenge.”

“No doubt, man. No fucking doubt.”

The back door cracks and Pam sticks her head out the opening. “We’re ready.”

I snuff out my cigarette and finish my beer. Back inside Karma is in the living room wearing a sexy devil costume complete with red devil horns and a plastic pitchfork. Pam outfitted her in a red dress that clings to her curves. I don’t know what I want to do first, kiss her or bury my face in her tits.


“Fucking hey,” I say, not bothering to wipe the shit eating grin from my face. It’s like Christmas instead of Halloween.

“We taking one car or two?” Pam asks, moving toward the door. “I’ll DD, obviously.”

“Hell, yeah.” I’m ready to tie a good one on.

The four of us get loaded into Pam’s Pathfinder after Link wrestles the car seat out the way. I’m assuming Link’s mom or sister has Conner for the night. The drive to the clubhouse is filled with Pam singing along to a cover of Monster Mash. Crazy bitch sounds like a dying cat. I need a damn joint. She’s giving me a headache. We have to stop off to pick up some party platters she ordered to go with the ones already prepped at the clubhouse.

We’re a bit early but I’m just happy to be away from Pam’s singing. No one throws a party like her though. The woman goes above and beyond to show everyone a good time. No expense is spared. One thing about Pam she always shows up for the club. I go around to open Karma and Pam’s doors. I help Pam out first while Link carries in the party trays. Now I know why she insisted we ride together. She wanted to use us for labor. Probably for the best ‘cause had she left me on my own with Karma we might not have made it to the party. All I want to do is rip that dress off her.

As I’m helping Link move some tables out the way I spy Viking coming out of Prez’s office. His gaze cuts straight to Karma. I can’t read his mood, but it doesn’t say I’m happy to see my sister. Instead of moving to talk to her he approaches me. “Need you to do me a favor and keep an eye on my sister. I know you two got a thing or whatever.”

“Knew she was in some shit. She tell you what she’s running from?”

He nods. “I’ll brief you soon enough, but just make sure she doesn’t try something stupid.”

“You got it.”

He gives me a slap on the shoulder. “I’ll get up with you later. There’s something I’ve gotta do.”

Link shoots me a look but doesn’t comment. Brother knows Karma is wild. Another reason her and Pam get along so damn well. They are kindred spirits. Strong willed, feisty, and they got a mouth on them.

Viking says something to Karma then he bounces. She looks like he just kicked her puppy. I know him though. He wouldn’t get on her ass if it wasn’t warranted. I hook an arm around her shoulder. “Let’s get a drink.”

“I need food first or I’m going to get super drunk fast. I’ve not had anything since breakfast.”

Pam made Mummy cookies and dirt pudding with gummy worms buried in it. Creepy ass sandwiches that look like fucking fingers. Hooch with fake eyeballs in it. Like I said she creates an experience. Woman should have been a damn party planner. Karma goes for the regular shit on the fruit and veggie trays. I grab one of her BBQ pork sliders that I guess is supposed to be a spider with pretzels for legs.

More brothers and their ‘Ol Ladies start to show. Prez makes an appearance. He lifts his chin my way and I excuse myself from Karma to have a word.

“You and Karma look cozy.”