
“You asking if I fucked someone?”

“Did you?”

“Does it matter?”

I shove him hard. “I’d understand if you were upset and thought it’d make you feel better to pay me back for what I did.”

He snorts and shoves up, rolling over to prop himself up against the headboard. “What’d make me feel better is for this shit to never have happened. If I’d been home, I could’ve prevented this shit.”

“Where were you?”

“Had a situation.”

“You going to be lame and tell me it was club business?”

“Zoe called me.”

“Link’s sister. The bitch you were seeing. While I was getting kidnapped you were with her.” I shake my head.

“It wasn’t like that.”

“Then what was it like?”

“She called and said she thought her ex was snooping around her property. She’s a single mom with two girls.”

“Who has a brother she could call.”

“Whose wife just had a baby.”

“Right. It’s a moot point.”

Hound starts to say more but my brother interrupts. “That detective called. Wanted to know if you can come in tomorrow to answer those questions. Told him I’d bring you by. Rosie too.”

“I’ll take her,” Hound mutters. “Know you and Smoke are eager to get back. I’ll see if Static wants to stick around another day or two.”

“You sure?” he’s asking Hound but looking at me.

“We’re good,” he answers with no hesitation.

But are we though?


I’m not so sure how we move past this.