“Anyone home,” Sandman calls out as he moves through the house.

“Shit,” I mutter and roll so that I’m top of Karma when he hits the living room and gets an eyeful of my ass.

“Fuck. My eyes,” he curses, shielding his face as he throws a hand up. “You two still going at it? Your dick has to be raw.”

“Don’t tell me Bianca cursed you again.” I grin as my woman giggles beneath me. I told Karma how the idiot was convinced Bianca put a hex on his dick.

“Ha. Real funny.”

“Way I hear it. It’s her cat that likes his ass,” Karma starts on him.

“All ya’ll got big as mouths. Not telling you nothing else. I just came to put something in my safe.”

“Is it a ring?” my woman asks. All our Ol’ Ladies are thick as thieves and all up in each other’s business. It’s no secret that Bianca wants him to pop the question.

“None of your business. And put some damn clothes on. I don’t want to get an eyeful of Hound’s ass again. I don’t mind seeing Karma’s sweet ass but yours is hairy.”

“My ass isn’t hairy,” I gripe and chuck a pillow at his head.

The bastard laughs and goes to his room.

“Asshole,” I grumble. “My ass isn’t hairy.”

My woman rubs a hand over my cheeks. “It’s a little hairy.”

“Shut up.”

“Make me,” she taunts.

“Hurry up and get gone so I can shove my dick down Karma’s throat,” I holler, and she pinches my ass hard.

“Ow. Fuck. You don’t have to be so rough.” I lean in for a kiss.

Her tongue slides between my lips and I go hard again. My dick presses against her thigh and she opens her legs to me. The two of us forgetting that Sandman is down the hall.

I sink inside her getting lost in her sky-blue eyes. My personal heaven.

I wrap my hand around her throat and pump my hips. Her velvety cunt contracting around me. Fuck me the things she does to me. I’ll never get tired of this. Of being inside her and forgetting where I end and she begins.

“Fuck. You two are some horny freaks,” Sandman shouts as he stomps into the kitchen.

Karma’s lips form an O, and she whispers, “oops.”

We’ve been home a few months now and I can’t get enough.

I could fuck her all damn day every day.

Thought she was pregnant but guess it was a false positive because she had a light period, but I’m no quitter.

I hear Sandman leave and go back to making love to my woman.

“What’s it say?” I lean against the frame of the bathroom door as Karma checks another pregnancy test.

Those sky-blue yes glitter with unshed tears and I try to hide my disappointment. We’ve been trying and I’m afraid that we may need to seek professional help conceiving.

Her tears start and I’m on the verge of breaking.

Seeing my woman upset kills me. Because there’s nothing I can do in this moment to stop the hurt. She’s already picked out paint for the nursery. She’s so sure any day now it’s going to be the day. Everyone around us has kids out the ass. Viking even managed to knock Andi up.

When her lips tip into a smile I’m confused. She holds the plastic stick out to me. I read the one word I’ve been waiting for on the digital screen. One word that is about to change our lives.


Karma’s having this biker’s baby.

She-Ra pushes around me with a whine wanting in on the action. She’s still got a limp but she’s fine after that fuckwad shot her.

Karma scratches behind her ears. “You’re going to be a big sister.”

I smile at that.

I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl.

All I know is this kid is going to be so damn spoiled and loved.