
I take a hard drag off my cigarette and grab a stool. “Archie. Whatever.”

Karma rounds the bar looking finer than she ever has. Thick hips. Perfect tits. Big ass and even bigger hair. “Archer,” she says his name as though it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.

“That’s the one.”

“No. I won’t be seeing him anymore.” She knocks back her beer fast. “He doesn’t matter.”

“So, you’re a free agent?”

“In more ways than one.”

“You leaving the Harlots?”

“There’s nothing there for me.”

“Your brother know you’re in town?”

“He’s aware I’m in the area.”

“Cool. Cool. You ready to get out of here?”

“Yup.” She finishes her beer. “I’ll follow you.”

We head out to our bikes to ride out. Taking Karma home with me to possibly fuck her brains out is probably a terrible idea, but I’m bastard enough not to care.

I should call ahead to give Sandman a head’s up but he’s probably at Bianca’s anyway. Fucker is rarely around since he got hooked up with the witch. They’ve barely just gotten together, but I hear it in his voice when he talks about her. Motherfucker is falling hard. I’d bet money on him living with her before long.

I slow and hit the garage opener. Karma pulls in next to me where Sandman normally parks.

I can already hear She-Ra scratching at the door, eager for pets and kisses. The moment I open the door she’s on me, pawing at my thighs for attention. “Easy, girl.” I give her a chin scratch and she licks my hand.

“Holy shit, she’s grown.”

“That’s right. You were around when she was a pup.” She-Ra is a full-grown chocolate Cane Corso with whiskey colored eyes. There’s nothing little about her now.

“Hey, momma. Remember me?” Karma drops to her knees.

She-Ra goes right to her, giving her a sniff then a sloppy wet kiss to the mouth.

“She likes you.”

“Of course she does. I used to give her lots of belly tickles and scratches.”

I don’t comment on the past. “Washroom is through here then the kitchen. Living room. Sandman’s room. Bathroom. I’m in the big bedroom at the end of the hall. There’s a guest room but I use it as an office. Make yourself at home. I’ll um take the couch and give you my room.”

“Thanks. I really appreciate it. I’d call Torsten, but he’s probably passed out somewhere.”

“You know wherever I am you’re always welcome, babe.” I move into the kitchen to dump out the water bowl, rinse and refill it. “You need anything before I get ready to turn in?”

“If I do, I’m sure I can find it.”

“I’ve got no doubt.” Karma is like a damn cat. She always manages to land on her feet no matter what the situation is.

I hit the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Nothing worse than going to bed with that fuzzy feeling on my teeth.

I exit the bathroom and find Karma turning down the covers on my bed.

“You know this bed is plenty big enough for the two of us. No reason for you to take the couch.”

“All right.” I move to the dresser and empty my pockets before I start shedding clothes. “There’s a spare toothbrush in the cabinet. I’ll find you a shirt to sleep in unless you plan to sleep naked.”

“You wish.”

“Wouldn’t hear me complain.” I scratch my chin and she shuffles into the bathroom.

She-Ra pads into the room taking her spot at the foot of the bed. I flip off the light then finish undressing down to my boxer briefs. I grab a pair of black sweatpants for me and a tee for Karma. I tap on the bathroom door. “Got you a shirt.”

Karma opens the door shirtless in nothing but her black panties. No bra. Fuck me. I forgot what a free spirit the woman was. She’s a bit of a nudist. Her pretty pink lips tip into a sexy smirk. “It’s not like you’ve never seen them. If memory serves you were quite fond of my tits.”

“Liked everything about you. Never had any complaints or bones to pick. You’ve always been pretty to look at.”