“You need me. Need a lift or whatever. You come find me. I’ll get you home.” I give her a squeeze and when I pass Navarro, I bump my chest against his in warning. I’ll speak to him later.

I head on up the stairs. I pass by an opened doorway and see a shattered picture frame there. Fucking jackass. Beyond the door inside the room lays Bambi in the bed. Fucking stripper bitch. Brings in decent money at the Kitty Kat but she’s got trouble written all over her. My guess is Kimber saw something that she shouldn’t have. Something that’s broken her heart.

“Want to join,” she purrs.

“I’m good, sweetheart.” I keep it moving and knock on Smoke’s door. Fucker doesn’t answer. Probably hungover somewhere.

I head back down the stairs when Kimber steps in front of me, blocking my path. Fuck me she surprises me by grabbing me by my cut and leans up to kiss me. Her tongue thrusts between my lips and she takes what she wants. I know I shouldn’t encourage her, but Nav deserves this little display as punishment for playing stupid games with Kimber.

I give her all I have left which isn’t much after Andi. Been nearly two months without her and I’m drowning. So I let go for a minute and get lost in Kimber’s sweetness, tasting the saltiness of her tears. I cup her ass and lift. Her legs go around me and for a minute I pretend I’m not a broken man, haunted by what could have been.

And as quickly as all that pain faded it returns full force.

“I don’t know what the hell that was just now, but sweetheart, he’s a god damn fool and not worth your tears.”

“You’re no better than I am. You can’t tell me you aren’t hung up on a woman you can’t have.”

“The fuck would you know about it?”

“I know enough.”

Jesus. Link better get a handle on her or she’s gonna be raising ten kinds of hell and breaking hearts once she realizes there are better men out there for her. “Shouldn’t you be in school or something? What are you doing hanging around here anyway?”

“It’s not important.”

“Must’a been for you to skip school and sneak into the clubhouse to see the fuckwad of a prospect. You didn’t ask for my advice but I’m going to give it to you anyway. You’re young and fucking gorgeous. Any man would be fucking lucky for you to pull that move you just pulled on me. Don’t let that shitstain get you all twisted up in knots because he’s not ready for what you bring to the table. You got your whole life ahead of you.” I go on telling her how talented she is to boot. Kimber takes amazing pictures. She has a real eye for the lens.

“You think I’m talented?”

“I’ll take you by the gym and you can hang out and take pictures. I like what I see. I’ll buy them to display on the walls. Place could use some sprucing up.”

“Seriously? That’d be way cool.”

“I owe you.”

“For what?”

I stroke my chin and rub my lips. “That kiss, K. Gotta tell you. You weren’t Link’s niece, and I wasn’t me. I’d already have you in a room doing things I shouldn’t be thinking about doing with you.”

“Who says you shouldn’t?”

“Fuck. Now you’re flirting with me.” I clutch my chest. “Can’t take it, babe.”

“Why do you keep waiting for her if she doesn’t return your feelings?”

“Because I know one day, she’ll be mine. And a woman like her is fuckin’ worth the wait. There’s no one else. Not gonna waste my time on women who will never fill her shoes.” I could use the club resources to go after Andi, but I’m trying to give her space. It’s killing me to be without her.

“That’s kind of beautiful. I hope she realizes what she’s missing out on. That kiss was really nice.”

“So god damn sweet you make my teeth ache. Let’s go before I change my mind.”

We hit the bar area and Link is perched on a stool toking a fat joint. His gaze hits Kimber. Fuck. “Kimber was looking for you. Said she needs a ride to school.” I take off as soon as I deliver her alibi and hit the camera room. He sees me with Kimber’s tongue down my throat he’ll try to kill me.