I press the hot poker to the head of his dick.

“Fuck,” he cries out on the verge of passing out as the scent of his burning flesh stinks up the room.

I slap his jaw. “Wake up. We’re only getting started. You’re going to tell me every bad thing you’ve ever done.”

“Fuck you. Just kill me and get it over with. That’s what you’re planning, isn’t it?”

“Eventually.” I pat the top of his head. “I’m going to make you suffer. For each day I was without Andrea that’s a day you’ll live to feel the pain you put her through. A day you’ll live to suffer for the life you stole. For my unborn child.”

“Welcome to the Devil’s Playground, bitch.” Sandman yanks Justice’s head back and plants a kiss on his cheek as Prez laughs. “Knew your voice sounded familiar that night at the graveyard. This motherfucker killed that Granger chick. Fucking got you now.”

“You like hurting women, you sick fuck?” East grabs the spiked brass knuckles from the wall and punches him in the side with them. “That’s for making my woman cry when her best friend up and left town.”

Each brother present has his turn and each time he passes out we shoot him up with adrenaline to wake his ass up and start the process all over again.

“Look what we have here. This dumb motherfucker has a video of that Bambi bitch snorting lines off his dick.” Prez hands the phone to Prodigy. “Put together a fucking montage of all the shit he’s been doing. Then you can hack into the Chief’s computer and play it for him.”

“Will do.”

After reviewing the asswipe’s devices and files we pieced together that Justice has a taste for hookers. Not sure where he was getting the drugs from. It’ll take a bit longer to work our way up that chain, but sick fuck has a thing for raping and killing women he thinks are beneath him.

Prez thinks eventually he would have attempted to rape Andi again and killed her to pin me for the crime.

Motherfucker won’t get that chance.