Page 29 of Bullseye

None of us said anything. What was there to say. The man lost the love of his life. He was heartbroken, destroyed. We didn’t know if he would ever snap out of it or if he would be the same man. Nobody knew anything. All we could do was wait until Ghost told us differently.

“Okay, I need this room cleared. Bullseye stay.”

With that, the room emptied. While I was still having difficulty digesting everything Phantom just said, I could tell something was bothering Reaper badly. It was eating him alive. This whole mess was fucked up, and when Ghost found out what his brother did, he was going to go ballistic. Hell, it was taking everything in me not to go hunting. I didn’t know if I could find him, but I was willing to give it a shot.

I hated the fact that he was still out there, possibly hurting someone else. Men like him needed to be eradicated, destroyed. There were no second chances in my book. They were all scum and deserved to die for their crimes.

I waited patiently for Reaper to say what he needed to say. He was still acting off, but I figured with all the shit going down in the club, the man was allowed to have a few bad days.

“You gonna be okay to do this assignment?”

“Yeah,” I asked, not sure where he was going. Healer cleared me medical-wise last week. My leg wasn’t at one hundred percent yet, but I knew in time it would be. I just didn’t need to overdo it. Though I didn’t see how riding my bike across the country and helping out another club take down some traffickers would be a problem. Fuck, all I did was hide and shoot the bad guys. There was no danger to me at all.

“Good,” he said and nodded.

“You still want me to grab Wagner? I can get him without any help.”

“No. He’s already been dealt with.”

“What’s going on with you? Generally, I don’t ask because I’ve got my own shit to deal with, but you’ve been acting weird lately.”

Ignoring my question, Reaper grinned. “Just relieved to see you up and walking around, brother. But seriously, I have another favor to ask of you.”

I chuckled. “I don’t know man. Last time you asked me to deviate, I lost two months of my life and damned near lost my leg.”

“It’s about Gri…,” Reaper scowled, then cursed. “Fuck. It’s about Malachi.” I got it. I did. When a brother went down a dark path and embraced the devil’s dealings or, worse, went against the club, they were excommunicated and generally killed. The only problem was we didn’t know where Malachi was, or Reaper would have already reaped his soul.

“What about him?”

“I need you to find him.”

Okay, that shocked me. I mean, I wanted that fucker dead, like everyone else, but he was in the wind. No trail to follow. “You heard Phantom. She and the others can’t even find him. What makes you think I can?”

“A gut feeling.”

I smiled. “You might want to get Healer to check that gut because I’m not that good. Besides, I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

Reaper got up and walked over to a filing cabinet. Reached in and pulled a file before handing it to me. “I never understood why my Pop’s had a file on Malachi. Now, I know. There is a detailed list of everything Malachi ever did for the club, where he went, who went with him, where he stayed, you name it. He was monitored for years until Pop’s died, and I took over. If I had known why I would have ended him sooner. Now, he’s out there and doing God knows what. I need you to find him and bring his ass back here.”

Looking up at him, I asked, “You don’t want me to kill him?”

“No. I have something special in mind for Malachi. You find that bastard and bag and tag him. You get me, Dylan?”

Nodding, I took the file and quietly left.