Page 36 of Bullseye

Watching the newcomer, I spied Vain walking over to him, handing him an envelope. God, Vain was a pompous asshole. How he was still alive and breathing, I would never know. The man was pure scum. Every memory I had of that fucker was wrought with pain. He loved inflicting it. Got off on it. I hated him. Watching as the man took the envelope, Vain said something that I couldn’t hear. The man looked up. Then before I could figure out what was going on, the tall man slapped Vain across the face.

Oh yeah, this man, whoever he was, had balls of steel. Vain wasn’t no pussy. Yet the fat oaf stood there like a little bitch and cowered in front of the stranger. The more I looked at the tall newcomer, the more he seemed familiar to me. I didn’t know him, that I knew for sure, but there was something about him that looked familiar.

Taking the envelope, the nicely dressed man kicked Vain in the stomach before turning and heading back to his waiting SUV. As the vehicles drove off, I noticed that none of the Vultures rushed to help Vain. Yet, they all stood around and grinned.

Something wasn’t right.

I spotted Jekyll walking out of one of the motel rooms, zipping up his pants, and cringed. With the please look on his face, I knew what that sick bastard had just done. A rage so deep took root deep within me. This fucker had made my life a living hell, and now he was hell-bent on torturing my sister. Over my fucking dead body. I was going to kill this mother fucker with my bare hands as I ripped his limbs from his body. He was a dead man walking. As the rage I felt consumed me, I thought of Layla. God, I hoped she was okay. I knew that my sister was as tough as they came, and she could handle just about anything, but she’d been through too much already. Being in the grips of Jekyll was not something I would wish on my worst enemy. I was about to rush the fucker when Jekyll took out his gun and shot Vain in the head without warning. Killing him instantly.

“Leave the fucker for the birds,” Jekyll shouted. “We got the deal. We head home in an hour.”

The men all nodded.

It looked as if the Black Vultures had a change in leadership. They’d just gone from bad to fucking sadistic in a matter of seconds. But what I wanted to know what was this deal Jekyll was talking about. He never was the talkative kind. Hell, I wasn’t positive he even went to school, so it was hard for me to understand how he could work a deal with some unknown. But most importantly, who was this unknown and why work with the Black Vultures.

Looking at my watch, I noticed the time. I needed to check in with Reaper and the others. Stepping back out of the way, I walked further into the cover of the surrounding trees and made my call. I really didn’t know what to say to the man, but it was either check-in or get my ass reaped.

Yeah, I was still positive Reaper was going to kill me.

Only I didn’t think today would be the day.