Page 48 of Bullseye

“And what photo is that?”

“The one your grandfather kept in the safe, you jagoff.”

“Oh, that photo,” Reaper sighed, then took a long breath. “I moved it. Why? What’s it to you?”

“I need that photo, Reaper.”

“So do I.”

“You don’t even know anything about it or who’s in it.” I countered.

“True,” Reaper nodded. “But I know three of them. In time, I’ll figure out the rest.”

“It’s not about all the men in the photo, Max. It’s about…” and just like that, I quickly shut my mouth as the last hour replayed in my mind. Something wasn’t right here. Looking at Reaper, then at the rest of them, something clicked. They didn’t know shit. They were all hanging on my every word. They planned this. They set me up, and I fucking fell for it. The bastards! Grinning, I got to my feet and walked over to the mini-fridge I knew Reaper kept under his desk. Taking out a bottle of water, I downed half of it while all the men continued to look at me. After putting the cap back on the bottle, I leaned against Reaper’s desk and said, “You know something, boys, I have to admit, you almost had me. I mean, using my own brother to make me do what you wanted. That was genius. But then you stuck me in here. I admit I was a little apprehensive at first. I mean, this is the room where my life would be decided. Kind of trippy, so I will give you that, but you fucked up when you left me alone in here, not to mention saying Savage was in the shed. Seriously boys, unless that knife just knicked Shadow, he isn’t going to be talking to anyone anytime soon. Besides, never, not once has a woman been allowed to be alone in Church.”

“I fucking told you it wouldn’t work,” my brother Savage said, taking a seat. “Kitty’s mind is maniacal.”

“I told you we should have just tied her up and taken her to the shed,” Massacre added. “But she’s right, Shadow isn’t gonna be able to help for a while, and none of us want to go up against her. She’s fucking scary, Reaper.”

“So, I take it Caroline wasn’t home?” I asked.

“Nope,” Viper said, then added. “And all her clothes are gone.”

“Where’s the note?”

Reaper blanched, then quickly sat up. “How did you know she left a note?”

“Like I said before Max. You know nothing. Like you, I’ve been a part of this club since birth. I may not have been born with a penis, and thank god for that, but I know shit. I’ve seen and heard things my entire life. Women talk, they gossip, though not as much as you guys do. That’s not important right now. Just, give me the note.”

Reaper scowled but said nothing more as he reached into his cut and handed it to me. Taking it from him, I read the contents.

Buckle up bitch.

Chuckling, I handed the note back to Max. “She never was eloquent.”

“What does it mean?” Reaper asked.

“It means I’m in trouble.”

“Kitty, I need to know what you know. I can’t protect this club and everyone else if I don’t have all the information. Are you going to help, or are you going to be a ballbuster?”

“Where’s the photo?”

“Phantom has it.”

“I’d call her and make sure if I were you.”

“She’s at an undisclosed place. No one knows where she’s at?”

“Oh really?” I said, rolling my eyes. “How is the weather in Denver? Has it started snowing there yet?”

“Fuck,” Reaper growled, reaching for his phone.

Walking over to the table, I took a seat and drummed my fingers along the smooth wood grain as I waited for the inevitable. Reaper and the boys thought they were so bright. I wish I could have had more time to prepare them, but the bitch was right.

It was time to buckle up.

The sins of the father had come home to roost, and all that any of us could do was try to survive the fallout.