Page 56 of Bullseye

Reaper wasn’t my brother but my uncle, and he hired me to kill my own father. I didn’t know how to swallow that one. Let alone everything else.

“Everyone out,” Reaper seethed. “Now.”

Viper quickly handed me the letter and left with the others.

In all my time with the Golden Skulls, I’d never seen my brothers move so fucking fast. Ever.

When the basement door shut, Reaper started pacing. I kind of knew what he was feeling. Unlike Reaper, everything I just heard I took with a grain of salt. I refused to let it bother me. So I killed the man who was my biological father, and my uncle ordered the hit. From what I knew of James Doherty, he wasn’t a nice man. Since I never really knew him, I honestly didn’t know what to think.

I was more worried about Reaper. His whole life was just turned upside down. For a lesser man, that information would decimate him, but not Reaper. He just needed to absorb it all, accept it, and move on. He was strong enough to do that. I had all the faith he could.

And my Kitty was right.

The past of the club had nothing to do with us.

We were the victims.

The only difference, I was tired of being a victim. I wanted to avenge this club. I wanted the brotherhood the club was initially designed for, and I knew all of my brothers did too. Now we just needed to figure out how to get it back.

Scanning the letter again, I found another sheet with names on it. Lots of names, some I knew personally.

“Reaper, Kitty gave us a list. Look who’s on it,” I said, holding it out to him. Max took the sheet of paper and read the names.

“What are you going to do?” I asked.

Reaper turned to me and growled. “You mean, what are we going to do. I don’t care what Kitty said. You are my blood. My brother. Uncle or not. You belong to me.”

Nodding, I didn’t know what to say to that.

“At least Ghost isn’t on this list,” he said, sitting back down. “I don’t know what to do, Bullseye. For the first time in my life, I am clueless. I knew shit was bad, but not like this. And how in the hell could Kitty keep all this to herself for all this time? She had to be scared out of her fucking mind. I knew I would be. I wouldn’t have been able to trust anyone.”

“That’s why she moved away. She couldn’t take it anymore. When she decided to come back, she told me some things. Told me who to trust and who to stay away from. When you asked me to be your assassin, I jumped at the chance because that meant I wouldn’t be around the brothers too much.”

“About our dad, I mean your dad…”

“No. That is in the past. It’s over with. I never knew the man, and you had your reasons. There is no need to talk about it. I trust your judgment.”

“The men on this list. I know them. Two of them are in this very club right now. What are we going to do, brother? Because I want to go upstairs right now and start killing them.”

“I know you do. But you can’t. Kitty has a plan. We have to trust her and help her as best we can. Hand me that bag, would you.”

Reaper got up and grabbed the bag next to the bed I was on, picked it up, and handed it to me. Seeing the master lock, he held the glass jar and sighed. “Holy Fuck, there have to be over a hundred keys in here.”

I chuckled. “Yeah. Kitty doesn’t like throwing shit away.” After a few seconds, I added. “Reaper? Who do we trust with that list? I can’t do anything until I heal, and when I do, I need to go to Kitty. She is going to need me.”

“I know. I don’t like having my Vault out there unprotected.”

“I know. I don’t either, but we have things to do. Also, we need to get Layla out of here fast. Where can we send her?”

“I don’t know, but we need help. I’m calling Ghost back down here. Maybe he can come up with something because my mind is fried right now.”

“Call for Player too. Healer said he’s been watching over Layla.”

Nodding Reaper sent a text to Ghost and Player. Soon both men walked downstairs. Though Ghost was apprehensive, Player looked annoyed. “What is it? I don’t like being away from Layla. She’s been having nightmares.”

“Player, I need you to take Layla somewhere. Somewhere safe. I don’t want to know where. It has to be somewhere, no one would think to look for you. I need her protected. Can you do that?”

Player looked at Reaper and then me before asking, “Are you okay with this Bullseye? She’s your sister.”