Page 72 of Bullseye

The eyes told the truth.


“Phantom, can you set up a video call?”

“Yeah, but he will know where we are.”

“I’ll take that chance. We can be gone quickly if he works for Caroline, but I need to see him when I talk. I don’t want him to know either of you is here. So, stay out of the line of the camera.”

“Give me a few minutes to set it up. Text him and tell him you are going to video chat with him in five minutes. That should give him enough time to get comfortable. Plus, if he’s working with Caroline, I will know if he initiates a trace.”

After sending the text, I sat down in Gadget’s seat, looking at his computer, while he and Phantom did their techie thing. A few minutes later, a face I’d never seen before popped up on the screen.

The man looked in his early fifties, with greying hair and a clean-shaven face, highlighting a wicked-looking scar down the right side of his face from eye to chin. It was odd seeing a brother clean-shaven, considering the brothers generally grew out their beards. Not that I was complaining because I liked Dylan's face clean. I could tell he spent a lot of time in the sun because his skin was weathered and tan.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“Shane Keller’s daughter.”

“Kitty?” He said, grinning as his smile reached his eyes. That gave me a little hope. He seemed happy to see me, which was a blessing.

Smiling, I replied. “Yep.”

And just like that, I watched his face relax. The man may be a harden biker, but the joy on his face was genuine. He was sincerely happy to see me. “Damn, girl, you grew up. I remember when you were knee-high in pigtails. How ya been girl? How’s your Mom?”

“Good. We’re all good. Look Toxic, I called to ask you a question about dad.”

“Alright. Not sure if I’ll remember. It’s been a while, ya know.”

“Sure. I found a picture of you, dad, and Nitro in New York some years ago.”

“You did, huh?” the man sobered. Gone was his carefree smile, only to be replaced with a blank look. “How did you get that picture, Katherine?”

My hackles rose with that. I was no longer Kitty but Katherine. I really hated that name, but he wouldn’t know that.

Or did he?

Steeling my features, I calmly replied, “Just found it when I was going through some of mom’s things.”

“Where is your mom?”

“Not here.”

“Katherine, what is going on?”

“I just wanted to know about dad and New York. That’s all.”

“That photo was secured. Hidden away. Your mom never knew of that trip. Nobody did except two people, and they are both dead now. So, either you are looking for trouble, or trouble has found you. Which is it?”

And there it was.

The information I was looking for.

Toxic knew. What he knew I didn’t know, but he knew something. My only concern now was if he was friend or foe. Was he loyal to the brotherhood or Caroline?

“How do you know it was hidden away?”

“Because I buried it.”