Page 75 of Bullseye

Grabbing Reaper by his cut, I snarled. “Where is my daughter?”

There weren’t many things in this world that would make me lose my shit, but fuck with my wife and daughter, and I didn’t give a damn who the hell you were. I would kill for them, gladly and without remorse. I knew I was asking for an ass beating or worse, but I didn’t care. He fucked with my wife’s safety plan for our daughter. I needed to know she was okay.

“She’s with my woman and Ari. When Phantom learned the phones were hacked, Sypher sent a coded message to his mother. Roxy got the girls out of there. All I know is that Roxy and Angela swept the girls away in the dead of night. Not even Ravage knows where they went. I’ve instructed Sypher to only contact his mother when and only if this shit is cleared up.”

“But they're safe.”

“They’re safe. Now send the damn text. You know where we’re going, so you take the lead.”

Nodding, I quickly sent Kitty a text telling her to head to the rendezvous point before jumping on my bike and getting the hell out of dodge.

The ride was going to take a couple of days. Anxious to get to Kitty, I gunned my bike and roared off. I didn’t bother looking back. There was no need. Nothing more could be done in Northern California. If we stayed, we’d all be sitting ducks.

As it was, Healer and his brother Judge were working tirelessly to get those who were still hurt to safety. Those left behind were heading to the Montana Chapter, where the Rocky Mountains would hide them.

All chapters had been notified to lockdown.

No one in. No one out and to wait for further instructions.

The whole ride, I couldn’t stop thinking of everything Kitty had told me. As much as I didn’t want to believe what she said, she was right.

She generally was.

Especially when it came to Club life.

Growing up, my mother told me to stay away from the club and the brothers. That I was better than them. I had a life, and she wanted more for me. Funny how things worked out, though. Instead of going off to college, I enlisted in the military. Not that I wanted to, but because I didn’t have a choice. It was either join the Marines or join the club. I may have gotten the grades for a scholarship, but I still had Golden Skull blood in my veins, and when I saw Jekyll and another Black Vulture member trying to rape my sister, I lost it and accidentally killed one of them. If it wasn’t for my Uncle, I would have been in jail. Instead, he hid me until it was safe to run, and then I did…right into the Marines.

My mother didn’t understand why I was giving up college for the military, but Layla did, so did my Uncle. They kept my secret, never telling a soul.

But it was all for nothing. My mother was murdered, my sister was taken, and my woman was raped. It seemed no matter what I tried to do. I was destined to be a Golden Skull.

When I found out that Kitty was the sister of Savage and raised within the Golden Skulls, I didn’t know what to think. At the time, I actually wanted to laugh but soon realized that nothing was as it seemed, and over the years, I’ve learned a lot.

Like I was good at killing people.

I was good at taking orders, and that I was good at being a husband and father.

Maybe that’s what fate had in store for me all along. I wasn’t supposed to be some smartass scientist or a dutiful soldier.

I was a Golden Skull.

Born in blood to a brotherhood I tried to avoid for the longest time. Knowing there was nothing more I could do to change what was about to happen, I embraced the inevitability.

I was a Golden Skull.

I would die a Golden Skull.

It was then I knew what I needed to do.

What I had to do.

We had been traveling for twenty hours, never stopping only to get gas and make bathroom runs. We were tired and exhausted. The sun had just set when I turned off the main road and headed down a long dark long path. Nothing illuminated the road before me, not even the moon. The only thing showing me my path was the headlight on my bike. But I knew where I was going. I had driven this road many times. I knew it like the back of my hand. I knew every tree, every sound, every dip in the road, and when the road curved up ahead, I gunned my bike, knowing that my wife was up ahead.

Seeing the large farmhouse set back in the small clearing, I slowed, then killed my engine.

I had just gotten off my bike when the farmhouse door opened, and out walked Kitty. Rushing to her, I gathered her in my arms, hugging her tight to me.

“Fuck woman,” I moaned, feeling her softness around me as I inhaled her scent. Looking down at her, I cupped her face and viciously took her mouth. Hungry, I was ravenous for her. Needing to be inside her, I picked her up and walked into the house, not caring about anything else.