Page 77 of Bullseye

She was mine.

Mine to protect.

And God help me, I was going to do just that.

My woman might fight me tooth and nail from now on to eternity, but I wasn’t going to relent. Kitty may be the Vault, but I was her executioner. Whatever she needed, I would make sure it got done. No one was going to harm my family and live.

Eyeing her, the corner of my mouth curled up into a sly grin. I gently helped her up to kneel and, with a mischievous wink, laid her down on her back. Looking around quickly, I draped her hands gently over her head. Running my fingers along her ribs and pushed them under her back as I bent my head to kiss her exposed skin.

“Arch up, Kitty, I need your nipple,” I murmured, pressing my lips against the swollen nipples and soft breasts that wiggled with her movements.

She arched, but only because my lips gave way and my mouth latched onto her nipple. She moaned and bucked upward.

“Bullseye,” she mewled, saying my name over and over.

I let go, although reluctantly, as I grabbed my belt. Hooking my belt on the bedpost.

Satisfied my aggravating woman could not use her hands, I eased up off of her and climbed off the bed. Kitty’s eyebrows raised, but before she could ask the question, her body was convulsing as I pinched her nipple hard. She shrieked loudly and writhed around, trying to get away from my hand. “Fuck you!” she cried out and flipped onto her stomach, glaring at me.

“Aw, what’s the matter, baby? Don’t like having control,” I chuckled at her and ran the tips of my fingers down her spine.

My body stopped her instinctive jerk upward as I moved over her and pressed her down with my weight roughly. I ground my hard cock against her smooth ass cheeks as I attacked her ear.

“Now you know how I feel,” I whispered, making her sing for me again as I trailed my lips all over the hard upper shell of her ear and then nipped at the lobe forcefully. I licked and nibbled the sensitive spot just behind it and nipped down her neck to her shoulders, listening to her whimper as she squirmed underneath me. She tried to adjust her hips to push my hard cock into the correct position, but I would have none of it.

“Not this time, wife. First the punishment, then the fucking,” I chided, sitting up and ignoring her disappointed groan.

I looked at her for a moment, ignoring her frown. Kissing my way back to her ear, I brushed her hair over her opposite shoulder. My tongue snaked along the lobe once more, and I whispered to her, feeling her body trembling below me. I ran the palms of my hands gently up her sides and nipped at her shoulder. “This is what happens when you hide the truth, Kitty. Secretive girls don’t get rewarded with what they want. And I know what you want, wife,” my fingers trailed down her spine, and my lips pressed against her neck. “Do you know what you want?”

My laughter floated into the air of the room as I eased up off of her, deciding it was a good idea to roll with my newfound position. I roughly flipped her onto her back before pressing into her again. She looked at me and said nothing. The serious look on my face said it all.

“I asked you a question, Katherine.”

My gaze made her look away, flushed. Her eyes closed, and she bit her lip as she slowly began to nod her head. “Yes,” she whispered, pulling a bit at her restraint.

“Yes, what?” I trailed two fingers lazily down over her chest, flicking her nipples and teasing her skin.

“Yes, I want you to fuck me,” her voice caught in her throat and was suddenly small as she felt my mouth curve into a smile against her cheek. I could feel the frustrated whimper in her body before it escaped her mouth. My hand began to slide up and down her stomach, my fingers teasing erogenous zones on all sides without pushing the buttons she wanted.

Quivering, all that she could force out of her mouth was, “Please.”

I looked at her, waiting for her eyes to open. I said nothing as she bit her lip and raised her eyes to meet mine. Her jaw went slack, and she sucked in her breath sharply as my intense gaze watched her every move as my tongue extended to lathe a long stroke over her taut nipple.

“This whole time, and you never said anything. No more Katherine. From this day forward, you will be forthcoming with everything. I don’t like waking up and not seeing you. You were out there all alone. You could have gotten hurt, raped, or, worse, killed. Do you know what that does to a man, knowing his woman is out of control? Do you!” I shouted angrily as my tongue began another long slow stroke on the other nipple.

I never took my eyes off hers.

Gasping, she arched upward to push her breast into my mouth, but I pulled back and clicked my tongue at her. I kissed lazy circles around each nipple, brushing the other with my fingers and listening to her gasp at me. I moved with the arches of her back and rolls of her hips to keep just out of reach, tucking an arm behind her back to keep my mouth to her and beginning an assault on her skin. I nipped and licked up her neck to suck on the hollow of her jaw, then dropped quickly to her hip, biting the curve gently. The soft whimpers of anticipation peaked as I kissed across to her belly and then gave way to an abrupt frustrated groan as I moved back upward.

“Dylan!” her tone was pleading, and her movements were becoming frantic and frustrated. She still wasn’t understanding the severity of the situation. I tried one more time before giving in. I laid down alongside her, kissing her cheek to make her look at me. I gave a soft smile as I began to pinch her nipples and run the pads of my fingers over them.

“Do you understand what I am saying, Katherine Jane?” I paused briefly to give her a chance to answer. Her only response was to look away, red-faced. I pushed further. Dropping my voice to a husky whisper, I buried my nose into her sensitive neck and nipped at it gently in between my words. “How do you like being played for a fool?”

I felt her tense.

“That’s how I feel. How my brothers feel. You knew what was going on, and instead of doing right by your man, you let us go about as if nothing was wrong. You could have helped us. Instead, you took control, leaving us defenseless. You claim to want what’s best for the club. What about what’s best for us? Did you honestly believe that I wouldn’t be pissed that you hid the truth of my father from me, that you put my life and the lives of my brothers in danger? One word, Katherine. All you had to do was say something, anything. Instead, you decided to play a fucking game. Well, baby, the game is over. I am now in charge. Do you understand, now?”

“Yes,” she breathed, her voice was shaky, as she closed her eyes.