Page 81 of Bullseye

“Is there anything else that we need to know?”

Sighing, my wife looked at me, then said, “It’s not going to be that easy. Caroline has been planning for this shit longer than I have. She has contingency plans for her contingency plans. If we storm that compound, we are ensuring Matrix’s son's death. She won’t hesitate to kill him. Then there is the matter of my biological brother. I have a lead, but he isn’t saying shit. And we can’t forget about Diablo. Once Caroline is dead, I fear getting to him will be impossible. I don’t know much about the man, but he is cunning and wickedly smart. We just don’t have enough men.”

“I say we go after the kid first. Then kill the bitch. Diablo can wait,” Ghost offered as several brothers nodded.

“Where are you on locating your brother?” Reaper asked.

“With the files, Phantom and I recovered from Nitro, we were able to locate a single file with the same birth date as mine. When that didn’t pan out, Gadget found out that the President of the Flordia chapter, Toxic knew my dad back in the day. So, I called him. There was a picture in my dad’s file with him, Toxic, and Nitro in New York City, right after the towers fell. Toxic really didn’t give me anything useful, but he did admit he was there the night I was born. According to him, it was a real shit show. When I asked him where my brother was, all he said was he was right where he left him.”

Turning to my wife, I questioned, “You said there was a file with the same birth date? What was in it?”

“Just the name Sandman.”

When Kitty said the name, Reaper and Ghost looked at each other.

The room got eerily quiet as I looked at my brothers. When neither of them said shit, I shouted, “What!”

“Sandman is a member of the Golden Skulls. Has been since he was sixteen. He was the youngest member ever patched in. It was either patch him in or kill him. My Pop’s didn’t like the idea of killing a kid, so he patched him in. Sandman is smart as hell, too. He is a force unto himself. The man is a stone-cold killer. He doesn’t take orders from anyone, not even me. He is kept on a tight leash. The man kills indiscriminately, and he is currently sitting in a mental asylum in upstate New York under lock and key.”

“If he’s so volatile, why keep him alive?” I asked.

“Because I owe him,” Reaper sighed and continued. “Right after I had my Pops killed, this club made enemies. Lots of them. This was before I knew about the trafficking and shit. I was out on the run and got myself into a tight jam. I would have died that day if it wasn’t for Sandman. Before I could even get my blades out, Sandman slaughtered seven men and lit a cigarette. I never saw anyone like him before. He didn’t say anything. He just looked at me, nodded, and hopped back on his bike as if what he did was nothing.”

Ghost added, “Not much is known about Sandman’s past. I’ve seen the man in action. He makes Reaper look like a cuddly kitten.”

Reaper chuckled, flipping Ghost off.

“Well, I don’t care who or what he is. His name was in that file. We share the same birth date. I have to find him,” Kitty stated firmly.

“Kitty, I don’t think you understand what we’re saying here. Sandman isn’t some long-lost brother you think will ride in and save the club. He is the man sent in to kill the club.”

“Baby, if this Sandman is as bad as Reaper and Ghost are saying, maybe it’s best if we leave him where he’s at.”

“I can’t do that, Dylan. If Caroline finds him, she will kill him. I will not tell my mother that her son is dead when I could save him. I don’t care what he’s done. I don’t care if he’s Hannibal Lecter himself. If Sandman is my biological brother, then I will do what I can to protect him.”

“Kitty’s right,” Shadow said. “From what I’ve heard, Sandman may be able to take care of himself, but he can’t if he doesn’t know someone is coming for him. We don’t leave brothers behind. Reaper, you say you want this club to be a real brotherhood. Then we have to save Sandman.”

Over the next several hours, we all listened and planned our next course of action. Though I wasn’t happy about sending my wife back out without me, there was no other choice. She was heading to New York with Savage, where Toxic would meet up with them and several members of the Flordia chapter. As for the rest of us, we were staying in Louisiana to get Matrix’s son, and if Caroline was there, the bitch would die.

Regardless, we weren’t leaving without that kid.