Page 83 of Bullseye

“Phantom, the upper left side. Zoom in.” I said, noticing something.

“What? I don’t see anything?”

“The tree line,” I said, pointing to where I saw a flicker of light. “Can you zoom in there?”

“Yeah. Give me a sec.”

The camera moved, and we all watched as it zoomed in. Brothers looked confused, but I knew what I was going to see. There, hidden in the tree line, was a sniper, and he had his rifle pointed directly at the kid.

“Mother fucker!” Matrix shouted as he started cursing up a storm. “That fucking bitch! He’s a baby!”

“Phantom, do me a favor and span the camera over to the left. Let me see the tree line on the opposite side.”

“You think there’s another?” Ghost asked, looking up at me.

“If it was me, I would have a backup, a second shooter somewhere.”

As soon as the camera moved, I saw the second shooter. I knew that compound was locked down tight. Getting in there was going to be a challenge but doable. I just needed to take out the snipers before anyone else moved in. The problem was that once I took my first shot, the second sniper would know we were there. To even get into the compound, both snipers needed to be taken out at the same time.

Standing, I started to pace the room. This wasn’t going to be as easy as everyone believed. I was good, but not that good. I needed help. Someone as good as me or better. Sighing, I turned to my brothers and said, “We’ve got a problem. I can’t shoot both. We need a second shooter. Someone who won’t miss. Because if we go in without both of those snipers’ dead, we are all sitting ducks. She will know we’re there, and then all hell will break loose, and that kid will surely die.”

“Well, who do you suggest? You are the best shot here. Who else is good enough to take the shot?” Reaper asked.

I knew who I wanted but getting him here in time was going to be complicated. I trusted only one man to take that shot besides me, and he was a few states away. “I need to make a call.”

Reaching for my phone, I dialed a number and put the phone on speaker so all could hear. When the line was picked up, I grinned when I heard, “Hey Tadpole. You still owe me ten bucks, and don’t ever ask me to call you Bullseye. You are still a lousy shot. Besides, I’m gonna talk to Reaper about changing your road name to Tadpole. I mean, seriously, your dick is still smaller than mine.”

Then room chuckled, and I shook my head.

God help me.

I needed to stop Ravage before he got on a roll.

“Ravage, how fast can you get to Louisiana?” I asked as Reaper and Ghost both were grinning at me. Yeah, the only man better than me at taking that shot was the new President of the Tennessee Chapter and my best childhood friend.

“Why would I want to go there? Have you seen those bugs down there? You can saddle those fuckers and ride them. Nope, I ain’t going anywhere. Besides, this place is on lockdown, or have you finally lost your shit and killed Reaper.”

I smirked at that as Reaper scowled at me. “Not yet, but the day is still young. Look, I need some help. Grab Matilda and get down here.”

“Dude. Lockdown. Ring a bell?”

“Ravage, get moving. Now.” Reaper clearly said as all smiles faded.

“Sure thing boss. On my way. Send me the address. I can be there by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Phantom is sending you the coordinates now. Get moving, Ravage.” Reaper said, then ended the call. Turning to me, he grinned wickedly. “So, you’ve thought about taking me out?”

“Nope,” I replied quickly and added. “I don’t know what Ravage was talking about. The man is seriously sick in the head. In fact, I think Aunt Roxy dropped him a few times. Don’t trust a thing he says.”

Ghost laughed boisterously, slapping me on my back. “Fuck man. There ain’t one of us here who hasn’t thought about taking Reaper out at one time or another. He is a dick.”

“All of you are assholes,” Reaper deadpanned, and the room erupted in laughter.

For the rest of the day, we sat around and planned our attack. With most of my brothers ready to go in guns blazing, it took some effort on my part to explain why that wasn’t the best course of action. This wasn’t some other club. Caroline was methodical, cunning, and intelligent. She would have planned for that. What we needed was someone on the inside. Someone who would help us achieve our objective. Someone no one would expect.

It didn’t take me long to figure out who that person would be when looking at the computer screen.

Now all we had to do was convince her.