Page 95 of Bullseye



It had been two days since Reaper received the text from Savage. And while I was relieved to hear that Kitty was safe and heading back to Louisiana, the tension in this small farmhouse was palpable. Men were anxious to get moving, while a small few were enjoying the downtime. As for me, I couldn’t relax until Kitty arrived. I knew she was minutes out. She’d been texting me the whole time. She would have been here sooner, but she wanted to stay behind Solomon to make sure he didn’t veer off into another direction.

We knew that Caroline and her thugs had him, and when they hit their destination, Matrix and Phantom would know precisely where they were. Until then, all plans were off the table until we had all the information.

Ravage had arrived last night, and though I was happy to see him, he wasn’t the one I wanted.

“She will be here soon.”

“I know.”

“Leave him alone, Ravage. The man has it bad,” Reaper chuckled.

“And you don’t?” I countered.

“Got me there, man. I do love my Remi.”

“You are planning on making an honest woman out of her, right? I mean, she is carrying your kid. Man up and marry her already.”

“Talk to Remi. She’s the one dragging her feet. I’ve asked her twice already, and each time, she says now is not the time.”

“What is she waiting for?”

“Hell, if I know,” Reaper said, sharpening his blades. “My kid will be in college before that woman makes an honest man out of me.”

Ravage, and I laughed.

“Any word from Player?” I asked.

“Nope. Last I heard, he, Mass, and Layla were at their destination and were safe. Gonna have to check in with him soon if his ass doesn’t call. He makes me feel like a damn babysitter.”

“Well,” I grinned. “This is Player you’re talking about. What did you expect? Massacre and Player are two of the biggest fucking kids in the clubhouse.”

“Pains in my ass is what they are.”

Looking up, I heard a car approaching. Smiling, I got to my feet.

“God,” Ravage sighed. “Come on, Reaper. I don’t need to see this shit. Let’s go get a beer.”

Ignoring them, I walked down the steps as a beige sedan came to a stop. Standing before the car, I waited as my wife got out of the vehicle. Seeing her whole, unharmed, was enough to get my dick hard. God, she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, besides our daughter. As she walked towards me, I said nothing as I just grabbed her, hauling her into my arms, smashing my lips against hers.

“Fuck Bullseye,” Savage moaned. “Let me get inside first.”

Ignoring my brother-in-law, I devoured my wife’s mouth. I didn’t need to watch Savage leave. He’d made it perfectly clear the last time I was with his sister that it grossed him out. Had to admit, if I was in his position regarding Layla, I would be sickened too. However, at this moment, I didn’t give a fuck.

My wife was safe and in my arms, where she belonged.

I couldn’t wait.

I needed her right now.

I was convinced that people watching others in the throes of passion was one of life’s greatest and simplest pleasures. I’d seen my fair share in the club, and though I didn’t partake, I was man enough to admit that I liked watching. So did my wife. Though she would never admit it. I often noticed how her body heated, her skin flushed, and I didn’t even have to touch her to know that her pussy was soaking wet. We never really talked about it, but I knew my woman had a voyeuristic side.

So, when I started to rip her clothes from her, she said nothing to stop me.

I felt a rush of need, desperation to get inside her.