Page 21 of Reaper

Fuck me.

She was commando. My mind churned with thoughts of yanking down my sweats from her body. Seeing her wet glistening pussy, begging me to kiss, suck and devour her. Her hard nipples pushed against my t-shirt, begging me to suck them. My mouth watered.

“Max? You’re making that face again?”

Shaking my thoughts from my head, I muttered, “Huh, what?”

A sly smile formed in the corner of her lips, drawing my attention. “Like I was saying, I need a few things. Think you can take me to the mall?”

“Yeah, sure. No problem,” I said, reaching for my wallet handing her my personal Amex card. “If there are any problems, have them call me. Get whatever you need.”

“I just need a couple of things, not much.”

“Fuck that, Remi. You get whatever you want. I mean it. You have nothing, so I expect lots of bags when you get back. Also, I’m sending Shamrock and Snake with you. For protection.”

“What about you?”

“I can’t. I need to head to one of the clubs to check things out. You’ll be safe with them. Look, I’m already running late. We can catch up later. Just stick close to Snake and Shamrock. They look mean as hell but are completely harmless.” I said, turning to walk out the nearest door.



Harmless, my ass.

The two men standing before me were anything but. Shamrock was a bulging six foot three, with Celtic tattoos everywhere there should be. His head shaved on both sides highlighted an intricate braid that went down the middle to a long tail that fell past his waist. His eyes were literally the steel color, making him look more like a marauding Viking than a biker.

As for Snake, well, he was something scary and everything in between. Tall and lean, I couldn’t find an ounce of fat on him, and like Shamrock, the man was also covered in tattoos. His hair, buzzed short on his scalp, didn’t help his scary appearance one bit, nor did the piercings, lots of them. From his eyebrows to nose, lips, ears, the man looked as if he had been blinged out by a bedazzler!

His amber eyes did give him a softer look, but when they locked onto me, fear trickled all around me. Nope, Snake was not a man I ever wanted to deal with in any circumstances. From an early age, I’d learned that a person’s eyes could tell me who was kind and who was evil. Now, I wasn’t saying Snake was evil per se, but the man was hiding something evil, and I didn’t want to find out what it was, ever.

“Hi, I’m Remi.”

Nothing. Not a single word, grunt, or whisp of air. Just total silence as both men just stared at me as if I were some glob of goo on a petri dish waiting to be dissected.

“Max said you would go shopping with me.”

Both men looked confused as if the words I was saying were foreign to them. Sighing, I looked around the clubhouse for anyone who could help translate, but there was no one, just the two silent Bobbsey Twins.

“Mall. I want to go to the mall.”

“Why?” Shamrock asked, still looking confused.

“I need clothes and other feminine things,” I informed, not that it was any of their business but figured the more truthful I was, the better they might understand.

“Can I bring Beulah? She hardly ever gets to go out,” Snake asked anxiously.

“Sure,” I cautiously replied, not sure who Beulah was or if we’d get along, but I was willing to meet anyone and get to know them. Besides, after a second or two, I figured that having another female go along just might make the day better. I didn’t have a lot of friends, and I was ready to make new ones.

“Well, if yer’ bringing her, then I am bringing Deloris.”

“Fine with me. Reaper never lets us bring our lovies.”

“Oh, how sweet! I can’t wait to meet them. The more, the merrier, I say. That’s my new motto. Bring whoever you want. We can make it a fun day.”

Both men looked at me and smiled, and before I could say another word, both men dashed out of the common room and up the stairs.

I wish I could tell you that I got along with Beulah and Deloris, and we were total BFFs by the time we got to the mall but considering that Beulah was an adorable Capuchin monkey with an aggressive attitude. Deloris was Shamrock’s Binturong,a bear-looking creature known as a ‘bearcat.’ Deloris was shocking, to say the least, but she smelled like popcorn and despite her size, she was surprisingly gentle.At first, I’d say the friendship was a teeny tiny bit on shaky ground, considering Beulah kept pulling my hair, but by the time we arrived at the mall, Deloris, Beulah, and I were best friends.