Page 3 of Reaper

“Okay, son. We’re going home, but I gotta take you to the hospital first.”


“It’s not an option Max.” My father scowled, running his hands through his hair. “You’re going. No arguments. Your mother will meet us there. When the doc says your good to go, then we can go home. Understand.”

“I won’t go.”

“You’ll go, even if I have to drag your ass-kicking and screaming, son.”

The next thing I knew, I woke up in a clean white room. My mother was sitting by my bed, holding my hand, tears quietly falling down her cheek. I hated seeing my mother upset, and I really hated knowing I was the reason for it. Turning my head, I spotted my father, talking on his phone, pacing back and forth. He was mad. He always walked when he was furious. There were others from the family here, men I’d been raised around my whole life. All looked worried or angry. The one person who wasn’t here was Remi.

Worried, I sat up and glanced around the room. I couldn’t find her. She wasn’t here. Where was she? She needed me. She was too little to take care of herself. I was all she had. I was her only friend.

“Max, calm down,” my mother’s voice, once soothing, now grated my nerves. I needed to find Remi.

“Where is she!” I shouted, ripping the I.V. from my arm. Throwing back the blankets, I put one foot on the floor before my father was in front of me. “Max. Get the fuck back in that bed, now.”

“I need to find Remi!” I yelled, trying to get around my dad. “She’s too little. She needs me to protect her.”

“Max, Remi is fine. Hellhound is with her along with five other brothers. Nobody is going to hurt that little girl, ever again.”

Sighing, I collapsed back on the bed as everything went black again.

7 Days later…

I was going home. I didn’t want to. Remi was still in the hospital. According to my dad, she had to stay until her parents arrived. It took the police longer than expected to find her parents, but eventually they did. They were coming today.

“I’m scared, Max. What if they come back?”

“They won’t, Remi.”


“I’ll special pinky promise you,” I smiled, holding out my pinky for her to grab with hers. The shock on her face made me smile. She really was a cutie. She had long, tightly curled blonde hair. Big green eyes that sparkled when she smiled, a cute button nose, and the sweetest laugh I’d ever heard. She was an angel and mine to protect.

I was right in my assumptions. Remi was eight years old. From Lincoln, Nebraska, she was the daughter of a local elementary school teacher and Bank President. She had been missing for over a month when my family found us.

“A special pinky promise,” she gasped in awe. “Those are really special, Max.”

“I know,” I grinned and waited for her to link her pinky with mine. When she did, I said, “I promise that those bad men will never hurt you again. They will never find you, never look for you, never see you and if you need me, look for the Golden Skulls. We will always come, always find you, and protect you. Forever.”


Remi, 12 years later…

I stumbled, hand over knees, blindly in whatever direction I could think to go in first, coughing as bile still seeped out of my throat. My knees were raw and bleeding, weak as I tried desperately to get away. Off in the distance, I heard the shouts and calls of the men behind me as they tried to find me through the brush. They were getting closer. Each barely contained retching breath I took threatened to reveal where I was if I was not careful.

Another cough and splutter escaped again as I expelled more bile from my body. I could feel my sticky, damp legs dripping as my ass and pussy did the same. Exhausted, my legs gave way as I crawled haphazardly, falling, breathlessly to the ground.

“No,” I chided myself desperately, “I can’t do this again. Get up, Remi. You are strong. You can do this.”

With barely renewed effort, I scrambled back up and continued to crawl away as fast as my tired limbs could take me. The men, and even a few women, called out to me in horrifyingly soothing voices, among the loud, demanding roars and screams.

“Remi, we will catch you. We don’t want to hurt you.”

I knew that was total bullshit. My body was still tense and leaking from what they did to me, still aching from the endless torture. My pussy and ass continued to seep with all the fluid they forcefully pumped into my petite body.

Looking over my shoulder, I sighed as one of the men started to catch up to me. I slowed my movement. I didn’t want to risk him seeing the shuffle of the grass. Thankfully, it was only one man who made his way this far, his face contorted in the relentless search rather than shouting. I thought that he would be like the other idiots and simply pass over me, which was hope against hope at this point. I turned away from him, barely able to see past the tall grass, but my blurred eyes could still see that there was a downhill slope somewhere up ahead where I could gain distance by rolling down. I pushed my burning body to move faster. My breathing was becoming heavier as I struggled along with barely half my strength. Finally, I came upon the hill and plunged down.