Page 46 of Reaper

“Maxwell Doherty?” An FBI Agent said, walking over to me. I didn’t acknowledge the man. Instead, I stared as more agents walked out of the clubhouse carrying our guns.

“I have permits for those. You can put them back where you found them.”

“We will return them when they’ve been thoroughly inspected and verified. Until then, we are taking them.”

“Not without a warrant, you’re not.”

The Agent grinned, then slapped me in the chest with a piece of paper. “Consider yourself served.”

“Fuck you.”

“Maybe later,” the man winked, pissing me off even more. “Is there a Remi Anderson here. I will be taking her into custody for questioning.”

I knew Grimm was listening. As the words left the agent’s mouth, I heard the distinct sound of a bike revving. I didn’t have to turn around to know that Grimm and Shamrock, had left, leaving me to deal with this mess. Their priority was keeping Remi safe.

“She is wanted for several crimes in Louisiana. Is she here?”

“I don’t know who you are talking about.”

“Now, why don’t I believe you?”

“No clue. I’m honest as the day is long.”

“Right,” the agent groaned, then turned to Brian. “Sheriff, I’ve sent some of my agents over to your office. We will be searching your place next.”

“Why?” Brian shouted angrily.

“Because we know you’ve been helping this criminal, but more importantly, we know your office filed the documents for two children in the DHS system to be turned over to this fucker. I’ve alerted the local DHS, and they should be en route to your house. You have two daughters, correct?”

“You mother fucker!” Brian screamed, lunging for the man only to be stopped when I grabbed ahold of him. “You touch my girls, and I will fucking kill you!”

“Don’t Brian. He isn’t worth it.”

“Max,” Brian looked at him. I had seen that look before. I lived it. “Don’t worry. The girls will be safe.”

I turned and nodded to Chaos, who sped off with Smoke following him. Player was already on his phone talking, and I didn’t need to ask who he was talking to. I already knew. Something was going on, and when I found the mother fucker who called this in, I would slowly reap their soul. I turned to the agent and said, “You have no idea what you’ve just stepped into, so let me be crystal clear. You’ve opened pandora’s box, and there is no one coming to save you.”

“Is that a threat, Mr. Doherty?”

“No, it’s a fucking promise, now get the fuck off my property.”

It took three more hours before all the agents left, leaving me standing alone in front of my clubhouse. Brian left hours ago to make sure his wife and daughters were safe, but I could have already told him that. I’d gotten the text from Chaos that Brian’s family was safe in a secured location. I wanted so much to talk to Remi, but knowing what I now knew, I couldn’t look her in the face and tell her that her brother and sister weren’t coming as planned. I still didn’t know where they were, but if anyone could find where those kids were moved to, it was Player. Until I learned more, I was just going to have to wait.

As I walked through the clubhouse, I wanted nothing more than to rail against the world, kill everyone in my path and burn the place down around me.

They destroyed everything. The bar, which was once a solid, beautiful piece of mahogany wood, hand-carved by some of my Pop’s brothers, was now nothing more than kindling. There was glass everywhere. All the furniture was ripped to shreds or destroyed. The kitchen was nothing more than a shell of its former glory. Moving towards church, I didn’t have to look inside to know what I’d find. The rest of the clubhouse spoke volumes, but I needed to see it for myself before my brothers returned. Opening the door, I stood shocked.

The room was left unscathed. Not a single item was out of place. It made no sense. None at all, considering the rest of the clubhouse was destroyed. Yet, lying there on the table, where father and Uncle hand-carved our emblem into the wood was a piece of paper—nothing more, nothing less. I moved towards it and peered down to look at it.

Consider this your only warning.

~ the Collector.

I roared, picking a chair up and throwing it against the wall, listening as it shattered into pieces.

“I don’t think Chisel is going to be happy that you broke another one of his chairs.”

“Not now, Ghost.”