Page 64 of Reaper

And that’s when I sat. “Excuse me?”

Phantom moved to sit next to me, placing her laptop on the table. “Since Reaper kind of gave me carte blanche to investigate everything, I did just that. I dug into everything.”

“What do you mean everything?”

Phantom looked at me and said, “Everything. I know about it all. I know about Reaper's father, his Uncle, the men who helped start this club, about their time in Vietnam, what they did and who they killed. I know about the guns, the drugs, the countless women who have filtered through this compound, and the payoffs to keep them quiet. I know that Reaper’s sister is just his half-sister. I know that your father took the fall for a man who was guilty as sin. I know who is loyal to this club and who is hiding a secret. I investigated everyone. Including you. There are no secrets that I can’t find, and now I know them all.”

I stared at the woman who sat before me, calm and reserved as if nothing she said was a matter of importance. Yet I believed every word she said. I had to admit, the woman had balls of steel coming in here, saying what she just said. If what she said was true, she had enough information to bring down the whole club. Anyone else and I would have killed them instantly. The only thing stopping me now was Reaper. “What do you mean, Reaper gave you carte blanche?”

That didn’t sound like the brother I grew up with. I couldn’t see Reaper giving a woman, anyone who wasn’t a sworn member of this club, anything to harm the club. Hell, Reaper only gave out bits of information when needed, and even then, he was careful with what he said.

“That night after the FBI showed up here.”

“I was here. He said if you needed any help, to ask. I don’t remember him saying anything about investigating all of us.”

“Tomato-tomato.” She shrugged.

Grinning, I whispered. “And what are you going to do to stop me from killing you?”

“This,” she replied, turning her laptop to show me the screen. Looking at it, I read the contents, then looked at her.

“Where did you get that?”

“Everything leaves a footprint, Ghost. You should know that better than anyone.”

“Fuck,” I groaned. “Have you shown anyone this?”


“Then don’t. Until shit calms down, this stays between us. Understood?”

When Phantom nodded, I asked. “Where is Remi?”

“When I investigated the Golden Skulls, I looked into each chapter. Generally, all the chapters are good. Just minor grievances that Reaper can handle later, but these chapters, the ones in Louisiana and Florida, are rotten. I’ve found money laundering, drug and gun-running for a local cartel in Florida, and trafficking in Louisiana. I’ve sent one of my scouts down there, and he reported back with pictures.” Phantom said, clicking away on her keyboard, bringing up jpeg files. It contained pictures of club members delivering a truckload of men, women, and children into the hands of another at an unknown shipyard. There were pictures of money changing hands and men abusing those being sold.

“My source is still in the area and is watching the compound. He sent me this pic this morning. Is this Remi?”

When Phantom brought up the picture, I wasn’t sure. I’d never laid eyes on the woman myself, only seeing pictures of her.

“I can’t be sure.”

“I did a facial recognition, and it came back as seventy-one percent accurate, but I would prefer a visual conformation. Is there anyone here you trust to look at this and keep their mouth shut?”

“Grimm maybe, but he has his hands full right now.”

“With your wife and daughter, right,” Phantom said mainly to herself. “Well, I need someone to confirm that this is her.”





Groaning, I rolled over, ignoring whoever the fuck was in my room. Hugging her pillow closer, I took a deep breath and sighed. Reaching further, I grab for the gun I kept hidden there, and flung my arm in the direction of the intruder and fired.
