Page 71 of Reaper

Vicious shouted. “Found Prime!”

Grinning, I made my way towards Vicious to see Ghost had the former President of the Louisiana chapter of the Golden Skulls on his knees, crying like a little bitch.

“You mother fucking snitch!” Prime cursed before Ghost plowed his meaty fist into the side of Primes face. Blood spewed from Prime’s mouth along with a few teeth. I could have warned Prime that Ghost’s fist was like iron, but that would deprive me of the fun I was about to have.

“Shut the fuck up,” Vicious said, kicking the man in the gut.

“I’m the fucking president here.”

Smiling, I squatted down before the man I once called my brother, friend. I would have died for him, easily, no questions asked. Instead, all I saw was a lifeless soul I was going to reap. “No, I am.”

Prime looked up and paled.

“That’s right, mother fucker. I’m here.”

“Reaper,” Prime sputtered. “It’s not what you think.”

“It never is.”

“I had no choice. They made me.”

“They made you,” I repeated, looking at the men who’d come to witness what was about to happen. Brothers dragged other members who had yet to be killed, throwing them on the ground around Prime. There were five in total. Though my demon was happy, he wouldn’t be satisfied until he had Remi, and until these fuckers told me where she was at, I was going to have some fun. “You hear that boys, they made the big bad Prime do something he didn’t want to do. I just can’t believe it.”

“Sad day when Prime is forced, boss,” Massacre said.

“Must be a full moon,” Bayou said, looking up at the clear sky.

“I think he wanted to, boss. Nothing can make Prime do anything he doesn’t want to do,” Vicious said.

“I think your right, Vicious,” I agreed, leaning close to the vile fuck. The man repulsed me. Knowing that I trusted this fucker with so much only to repaid with deceit and lies was enough to churn my gut. If it weren’t for the souls that would be saved today, I would eviscerate the fucker and leave him to the swamp rats. When Prime didn’t reply, I added. “Isn’t he Jason?”

My brothers snickered.

“You see, I’ve heard about what you’ve been doing down here. I didn’t want to believe it. I admit, but seeing everything, I must ask. How much were you paid Jason? What was the price for betraying your brothers?”

The man gulped, then looked down.

Jerking his face back up, I growled. “Don’t fucking look away from me, you sick fuck. Answer me! What was the price?”

“Five million.”

I whistled, getting to my feet. Ghost grinned as the other brothers just shook their heads. “Where is Remi?”


“My ol’Lady.”

Digger and Junior, two of the members on the ground next to him, looked at each other, but it was Prime who replied, “Didn’t know you had an ol’Lady Reaper.”

“I won’t ask again,” I said, reaching behind me to remove the two long blades that I kept always hidden behind my back. My brothers all took a few steps back while the five men before me cowered. Mutt, the youngest, pissed himself.

“I don’t know,” Prime whispered, his eyes never leaving the shining blades in my hands. Before he could utter another word, I swiftly moved as I crossed my arms over my head then pulled them down, stretching my arms part as his head rolled on the ground behind him. His body shook for a second before falling to the side, blood rushing from the soul that was no more.

Standing there, with blood dripping down my blades, I asked, “Who’s next?”

“Uh, boss,” Bayou muttered, then looked down. “I think you also got Mutt.”

Looking, I shrugged. “Damn, two for the price of one.”