Page 81 of Reaper

“Ah, the daily scoop on who’s fucking who in Hollywood.”


“Well, since you’re not busy, Player and Phantom have something they want to show us.”

Nodding, I downed another drink and got to my feet just as Remi’s little brother Jax came running into the common room. Both he and his sister, Sunny, had been at the compound for over a week now, and though they were unsure at first, they were acclimating to club life fast. It also helped that all the brothers doted on them, giving them whatever they wanted. “Whoa there slugger. Where’s the fire?”

“Sunny is mad.” Remi’s younger brother Jax said, skirting around me to hide behind my back just as Sunny came hobbling in on one of her crutches.

“You little brat!” she shouted. “When I get my hands on you.”

Smiling, I held up my hand to stop Sunny from the tirade she was indeed gearing up for. Sunny looked so much like Remi. It was uncanny, and from the fire, I saw in her eyes; apparently, she’d inherited her sister’s temper too. Since returning from Louisiana with Remi, I had gotten to know Sunny and Jax very well. They were good kids and adapted to the Golden Skull life quickly. They were good kids and were happy to be around their big sister, from what I gathered. Their parents always included Remi in everything, from birthdays to Christmas. The kids knew of their bigger sister and that she was out there somewhere and that someday she would find them.

According to my mother, when she arrived at the hospital in upstate Washington, the kids were happy that they were finally going to meet Remi. Even Sunny seemed a little apprehensive at first, but thanks to my mother, was ready to start over again.

“Reaper, save me!” Jax squealed, tugging on my cut. Turning to the little varmint, I sighed. “What did you do now, Jax?”

“Nothing, I swear!”

“Liar!” Sunny shouted, moving closer.

“Jax, what did I say about lying?” I asked sternly.

The young boy sighed and looked down at his feet. “Lying isn’t allowed in the Golden Skulls. Tell the truth, own it and accept the consequences.”

“And what else?”

Jax sighed again and looked me in the eye. “Always look the person in the eye.”

“Good. Now, what happened?”

“I took one of Sunny’s crutches and made a hanging bar.”

“A what?”

“You know, a hanging bar. Like Savage uses when he works out. How else am I going to get muscles like him so I can protect my sisters. I am the man of the family now. I have to get big and strong, so no one takes them again.”

Closing my eyes, I counted to ten. This kid should be playing with cars, climbing trees, instead he wanted to be stronger to protect his sisters. The kid had a heart of gold. Ghost was chuckling behind me, while Sunny tapped her dainty foot on the hardwood floor, waiting for me to take care of the problem or move so she could.

Not a moment's peace, anywhere.

“Savage!” I roared, making Sunny and Jax jump. I waited a few seconds before the big lug came walking into the room eating a sandwich.

“Yeah boss?”

Grabbing Jax by the scruff of his neck, I gently pushed him towards Savage. “Jax wants muscles like you. Build him something so he can work out, so he’s not destroying Sunny’s things.”

“Sure thing boss,” Savage grinned at Jax. “Come on, kid. Whatcha lifting, five pounds, ten? Are you stretching before? Gotta stretch, or you’ll rip something. That’s not good.”

I said nothing as Savage and Jax walked off talking about the do’s and don’ts of weightlifting. Turning to Sunny, I smiled. “I’ll get Healer to get you another set of crutches.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, then asked. “How is Remi?”

“Still the same, sweetheart.”

“Do you think I could sit with her today?”

“Come on, I’ll help you up the stairs.”