Page 98 of Reaper

Darrin laughed, “You never were smart Remi, you never figured it out. Your bitch of a mother was mine. I owned her. I warned her that she belonged with me, but she didn’t listen. That’s why I raped her right before that fucking hippie’s eyes. Imagine my surprise when I found out she was pregnant. Yet she married him anyway. They thought they won. That I’d never find out, but I did. So, I took you. You were mine. You belonged to me, but that fucking bitch wouldn’t stop looking for you. When I set their house on fire, I figured that would be the end of it, but no. Imagine my surprise when I found out she gave birth to two more kids. Your sister was a beauty too. Could have made bank with that one. Your brother too.”

It was at that moment I knew what Max meant when he said he harbored a demon within him as mine rose to the surface, with a force I’d never felt before. Anger, fury, venom radiated through me. I’d never felt such hatred before in my life. That one man could cause so much pain and anguish just because he coveted what wasn’t his. Would never be. “You sick mother fucker!” I shouted, raising the gun I had hidden behind me. I fired shot after shot, charging him until the clip was empty. I grinned as I watched his body fall to the floor with a loud thud. Mia collapsed next to him as Ghost shouted, “MIA!”

I heard Max whisper to me, “Give me the gun, baby. He’s dead. You killed him. He can’t hurt you anymore. Come back to me Remi. Please baby.”

I released my hold on the gun, and Max took it, laying it on the bar top. The next thing I knew, I was in his arms, but I couldn’t feel anything. Darrin’s words swirled in my head. The ramifications of what he said churned my gut as ice filled my veins.

I couldn’t be.

He was lying.

He had to be.

“Breathe, baby. Please,” Max whispered, holding me tighter as I stared blankly, seeing Ghost lean over Mia, who was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. His hands were on her stomach as he tried desperately to stop the bleeding. Healer pushed past us, shouting orders for someone to go grab his bag.

I just stood there in Max’s arms, watching Healer as he tried to save Mia. She smiled at me and whispered, “thank you,” right before her eyes closed.



I found her sitting by the window curled up in the chair, staring into the darkness as it surrounded her. I wanted so much to take the sickness of killing someone away from her. I was so damn proud of her. My girl had golden balls of steel. She was a fighter. Never a victim anymore.

Watching her plug that mother fucker had my dick harder than a fence post. She was like some avenging angel hell-bent on destruction. I had to admit that she had me worried for a second when she said she’d go with the fucker, but when she took my pistol from the back of my pants, I knew what she was going to do. I hated it, but I stayed back and watched the show.

And dear God did my baby give me a fucking show. I never knew she could shoot as she did. She was a true Deadshot. What worried me know was seeing her like this. Confused, scared, blaming herself. She did what needed to be done. If she hadn’t done it, that common room was filled with men who would have gladly done it.

What should have been a night of celebration turned into a nightmare. Most of my brothers were at the hospital with Ghost, lending him support while waiting for news about Mia. I wanted to go, but seeing Remi walk away as the ambulance loaded her up, I knew I couldn’t leave her. So, Shamrock and I stayed and took care of her.

Walking further into the room, I closed the door behind me and turned on the lights.

“Turn them off, please.”

Doing as she requested, I flipped the switch once more. The room darkened instantly. Walking over to her, I crouched down in front of her, rubbing her legs. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”


I grinned. “I know him well.”

“He’s frightening.”

“Yes, he is.”

“How do you do it?”

“Do what, baby?”

“Deal with this rage. I’m so angry, Max. I want to kill him all over again. I feel this hunger inside me. I am ravenous for it. I can’t calm it. I don’t know how to. I want to feel normal again, anything but this. Make me feel something else Max, please.” She pleaded.

I didn’t waste any time as I hauled Remi to me, kissing her fiercely. Just knowing she would do whatever I wanted excited me to no end. Knowing I could push her limits and have my way with her without her being bound got me hard.

She wanted an escape.

Well, I was going to give her one.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her roughly against my stiff body. Burying my face against her shoulder, my teeth nipped lightly, making her moan. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned up to claim my mouth again. My arms tightened around her until she was pressed into my body. I forced her mouth open as my tongue plunged inside, toying with hers. Remi pressed her breasts into my chest, and I groaned with excitement as she gently sank her teeth into my lower lip.

She was playing with fire.