My cheeks tingle like I’ve been pricked by hot porcupine quills. I can’t handle this. “I’m not sexy, but that’s not why I say it. I say it because…”

My voice trails off. I’m on fire. My cheeks are roasting. And now I’m picturing it—Zander with his hands all over me, on top of me, taking me in every way imaginable. God, I hope he can’t see how awkward I am.

“Because you’re a virgin.”

I cringe. Is it that obvious? I glance up at him for a second, which is all I can bear, expecting to see grim disappointment in his eyes, but instead, I see fire.

“I—I’m sure I’d be such a disappointment—”

“You’re crazy, girl.” Zander grins. I’m looking down again but feel his commanding stare. How is he driving with all his attention on me? His fingers find the zipper of my coveralls again and slowly move it down. Each click causes my heart to shake, and he doesn’t stop until the top of my panties is exposed. The warm tingling inside me increases tenfold.

“I have everything, sweetie,” he whispers as he hooks his middle finger inside my lapel and gently tugs, revealing more of my body to him. My core tightens as his touch grazes the skin of my stomach. He traces a line down to my hip bone. It’s almost more than I can bear. “And what I don’t have, I take. Like that painting tonight. I could take you too, gorgeous. Make you mine.”

Oh my God. His words…do something to me. And my nervousness is s

uddenly wiped away by something more powerful—desire. I’m turned on.

I feel his desire for me as he moves that one finger across my skin, and I feel a need to respond, to give him what he wants, to please him. It’s nothing I’ve ever felt before. I can’t even explain it; it’s like the most basic, deep, primal piece of my female identity coming to the surface. And it’s powerful.

But at the same time, I don’t even know this man. He kidnapped me, and now I want to lose my virginity to him?

“You’re just saying all this…” I mutter. “Like you do to all the girls.”

Zander turns the car and I look up as a gate opens before us to an incredible house. “All the girls? This is how you think I meet all the girls?”

We pull into the driveway as I struggle to find the words. “I think you are practiced in how to seduce a woman. You know just what to say…and do.”

“Oh, I know just what to do all right,” he replies. He’s so sure of himself. More than any man I’ve ever met. He parks the car and turns his full attention on me, then hooks that single digit under the strap of my panties and lifts it gently from my hip. “I know every single spot on your body and what I’d do to it to make you cry my name, sweetie. And you’d be begging for more.”

“Stop…” I start to say, but Zander cuts me off.

“I can’t.”

He leans in and kisses my neck. Suddenly, I forget what I was going to say. His lips caress my skin. I feel his breath, soft and warm, and his hand as it slides up to my chest and finds my breast. Without hesitation, he lifts my sports bra, exposing me to him. And when his other hand slides down, two of his fingers finding my mound, I have to fight back a moan.

“You don’t know how badly I want to take you, Amory,” he whispers, fueling the fire within me. “Claim that tight little virgin pussy and make you mine. But…I don’t know if I can.”

“Why?” The question’s out of my mouth before I know it. I didn’t even process it.

“Because you’re my prisoner now, sweetie. I have to keep you now that you know my secret.”

“You’re…you’re saying you need me to want you if you’re going to take my virginity?”

“I don’t need you to,” Zander all but growls. Wow, he is nothing like I expected him to be. “But I would like it. All those women you’ve seen me with? None of them ever liked me. They liked my money, my fame, but never me.”

I feel his words in my chest. It never occurred to me that a man like Zander wouldn’t have the perfect life. All the money and toys in the world, and any woman he set his eyes on. I guess I really don’t know anything about him. But I’m dying to.

“But make no mistake, sweetie,” he purrs into my ear. “If I was to take you right now, you would love every second of it. I’d pop that sweet cherry and fuck you until you were sore and your voice was gone from screaming my name.”

My reply comes out as a moan. “Oh my God…”

What is he doing to me? Just his words seem to have a power I can’t contest with.

“You may be my captive, Amory,” he purrs, “but that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it.”

