Oh, if looks could kill. “Calliope, that is not funny.”

Nico hands the baby to Aviva. “I need some fresh air. I’ll go grab the food out of the car. There probably isn’t enough, Adler. You should just go to the dining hall.”

“I’m coming for the conversation. I’m not hungry,” I say to his retreating back.

Aviva laughs as she looks over at me. “I’ll ask him to behave.”

I shrug. “Good luck.”

I look at Callie, and she is shaking her head. “He’s exhausting.”

“Yeah. But I do have a question.”

She glances over at me. “Yeah?”

“Is it true you like the way I look?”

She grins. “Just a bit,” she says with a wink. “And don’t worry. I’ll share my food with you.”

Callie’s pinkie runs along mine as she swiftly follows her family, sending chills down my spine. And I’m pretty sure as I follow her that I’m more than likely following her into a body bag.

Maybe I should make Emery’s inevitable mission of finding my murderer a bit easier and leave her a note that says Nico did it.