“I’ll send you the link.”

I lean into him, kissing his shoulder as he kisses my forehead. I take in the huge living room as I put my head on his shoulder. It has a massive sitting area with an even bigger TV, while the walls remind me of a museum. Family photos are the art on display. A room with a door that leads outside is decorated with a whole bunch of Shea Adler’s memorabilia, and then there’s a hallway connected to the kitchen. To the side, in an alcove surrounded by windows, is a large, pristine black piano. I swear it sparkles, it’s so shiny.

“Who plays that the most?”

He smiles. “Used to be me.”


“Yeah, it’s my great-great-grandma’s piano that my dad got when she passed. My grandma and grandpa drove it in from Boston, which was a thing ’cause they took Owen and me. We were like six, but I had to go ’cause I wanted it, and Owen went ’cause I went.”

“Two peas in a pod.”

He smirks. “That's what my grandma called us.”

Evan looks down at me, and the smirk turns to a grin. He leans in, kissing my nose before getting up and heading to the piano. I rest against the arm of the couch, setting my chin in my hands to watch him better. He opens the piano, cracks his knuckles, and then the most gorgeous melody comes from the instrument. I’m in awe as he moves his fingers along the keys, producing what I think is a Bruno Mars song.

Soon, the living room fills with his family, and I notice that his mom is wide-eyed. Even Mr. Adler looks surprised, which is confusing to me. Quinn leans into the wall as Posey sits on the arm of the chair her dad sat in, holding Zac to her chest. Shelli leans into Aiden, holding Fitz, as Boon walks in, sitting beside me. I look at him, and he seems just as confused as everyone else.

Hell, as confused as I am.

In a whisper, so I don’t disturb all his family members who are completely enraptured by Evan, I ask, “What’s wrong with everyone?”

“Evan hasn’t played that piano since he came home from South Carolina.”

My heart stops dead in my chest as I whip my head back to see him playing as if he is the only one in the room. It’s him and the piano. It’s so beautifully tragic to think he hasn’t played. When he finishes the last note, he goes right into another song so effortlessly.

He looks up to Shelli. “Satine?”

Her eyes widen as she asks, “Really?”

“Really,” he says with a nod, and I look at Boon, my information source.

“Moulin Rouge,” Boon supplies, and I nod, looking back just as Evan starts to sing.

And boy, can he sing.

I’ve heard him before, but maybe with the piano it’s different. His voice is strong, so smooth, leaving me breathless. He looks lost in the words, in the keys, as Shelli makes her way to the piano. As his voice carries through the room, Shelli rocks back and forth with Fitz still on her boob. My breathing is labored, and I’m in awe of him. I’m blown away.

And then Shelli starts to sing,

I mean, fuck, give that girl a Tony or nine! Her voice is classic, gorgeous, and so complementary to Evan’s. Together, they give me chills.

“This is Aiden and Shelli’s wedding song,” Boon says beside me, but I can’t even acknowledge him, I’m so floored. Shelli hits a note that shakes me to my core and obviously scares Fitz, so she pulls him off her chest, rearranging her shirt, not missing a beat as Aiden comes over. He takes Fitz before kissing her temple, and then together, Evan and Shelli sing with all their might. I hold my breath, wide-eyed as I listen, completely swept away by the performance. Shelli hits the high notes, but Evan is right there, singing with her like he could be onstage too. When his eyes fall in line with mine, he sings the three words that rattle my soul. I don’t know if he is only singing or saying them, but they leave me quivering everywhere.

And I know I’ll never forget this moment for the rest of my life.

Because it’s in this moment that I know for sure, I’m in love with Evan Adler.