“I am going to marry that girl. I am going to give her anything and everything she could ever want. If she wants to live in South Carolina, we’ll move. I don’t care as long as we are together. We are going to buy a house, cars, and probably a few dogs. I think she wants four.” I pause to chuckle, my heart swelling in my chest at all those possibilities. “And then when we are ready, she will become the mother of our kids. She will continue to make me the happiest person on earth, just as I will do for her. Because we love each other. Because she is everything to me.”

When Aviva starts to cry, I reach over, squeezing her hand. “I’m not going anywhere, Nico. I’m wherever Callie is, and I want you to know that. But I also want you to know that I respect you enough to give you the time to adjust to my plans.”

While Aviva sobs, Nico just holds my gaze. He doesn’t say anything, nor does he move. I watch as he chews the inside of his lip, and when he looks away, I sigh.

I am not going to get his blessing.

That’s okay, because in the end, it’s Callie and me. Everyone and anything else is a bonus. I clap my hands together and clear my throat once more. “Okay, that’s all I’ve got, and please don’t tell Callie we met or I asked any of this.”

Aviva is pissed, I can see it all over her face, but she smiles happily at me. “Lips are sealed. I can’t wait for you to ask.”

“I can’t either. I’m thinking Christmas since Owen and Angie will be married on the twenty-second.”

“I think that’s perfect, especially since we’ll be in Nashville for the wedding. Maybe we can do a huge Christmas together so I can selfishly watch.”

I laugh. “That would be cool. I’ll get with them about it.” When the waitress brings me the check, I hand her my card and ignore the aching feeling of failure. Honestly, I didn’t think I’d get his blessing, but that was a really nice speech. It’s obvious I’m gonna love Callie forever. I get the urge to tell her that, so I text it real fast before Aviva starts telling me about Vance throwing Elliot’s diaper at the wall.

We all laugh as Callie’s text comes back.

Callie: Well, duh, I’m awesome.

Me: Just a bit.

Callie: A rather small bit. LOL

Callie: UGH, I MISS YOU!

I grin widely as I text her back, and then I tuck my phone back into my pocket with her ring. After I put my card back in my wallet, Aviva says, “It was so sweet of you to take us to dinner.”

“I hope you enjoyed it. This is my grandma’s favorite place,” I say, standing up and hugging her tightly. “Thank you again—”

“Thanks, Adler,” Nico says, stopping me midsentence. He holds out his hand, and I take it with no hesitation. “You didn’t have to take us to dinner, or even give me time to adjust, but I’m thankful you did. I know I said a lot of things, and while I may have believed them at the time, I was wrong. I was just mad and overwhelmed by the fact that Callie doesn’t need us. But she needs you.”

My heart is in my throat. “No. She wants me. Callie doesn’t need anyone.”

He snorts, his lips curving. “True,” he agrees, and then he nods as our eyes meet. “So yeah, marry her.”


Aviva hiccups a sob, but I can’t even look at her. My eyes are on Nico.

He nods slowly. “Yeah.”

“And you’ll actually give her away? To me?”

Aviva laughs around her sob, and Nico even smiles. “I will.”

The tears burn my eyes as I shake his hand. “I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

He doesn’t comment on that; he only tucks his hand into his pocket and nods. “Thanks again.”

And then they walk off, Aviva still crying, with his arm wrapped around her, and I find myself letting out a loud whoop in the middle of the busy restaurant. I get looks and even some laughs, but I don’t care. I’m almost tempted to fly home and ask Callie to marry me tomorrow, but I’ll refrain. I have a plan, and that plan includes building a life with the love of my life. A damn good, knock-your-socks-off kind of life. One that won’t be easy, and might be even hard, but it’ll be okay since we’ll have each other. Because, like I promised Nico, neither one of us is going anywhere.

Not without the other.

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